Bike Crew * Rider down

Just saw on the news someone on what looked to be an r6 tried to avoid deer and struck a car, happened on GI i think looks like the rider is gonna be ok

at least they’re gonna be alright.

hmm didnt hear anything about this till now… glad hell be ok

coming home late the other night, getting off at the William exit…i had about 5 deer on the side of the off ramp 10 feet from me…i saw them from a ways back and slowed down a lot…but still scary shit, to think that they don’t even run away at all, even when i tried to scare them away with a rev…and the bike is fucking loud, straight pipes, no muffle at all…they’ve grown way too use to people and vehicles around, and it’s going to be a problem the continues to get much worse over the years…

^^ try firing a few rounds into them. you’ll never see Bambi run so fast.

paging oasis…

he’s not answering calls either.

shit… ill try too now… btw paulo i buzzed your house laast night… did you hear me?

there are sooo many deer out, especially since it’s spring time when all their favorite foods are blooming…
i only go out in my car at night, but already this year there have been multiple instances where deer almost got branded with audi rings…

hope this gentleman is ok… please post up as soon as anyone finds anything out.

That was you! haha. You should have stopped. I didn’t think it was you cuz I thought your bike had a lower pitch to it.

Got any pics of his bike?

Oasis is accounted for. just got a call back.

It was black.