bike dorifto

of iraq?


how the hell you do that? lol PAM the whole street ftw

can we go drifting after the next mighty meet

  • affecting.

ive been lookin for the drift king for like 2 weeks and i cant find him :gotme:


How the fuck does one do that?

I’m gonna give this a shot after I get out of work today

man, that would suck to get your toga stuck in the chain


u need bald tires to do it, and decent front brakes.

damm I’m out of breath just watching that.

wow, that was sweet, i think i tried it once and was only slightly sucessful, its really hard to keep it going and whip it around

Thats the coolest Iraqi since…I don’t know who.

pretty damn impressive. must take some skill

All you had to do was call me…I’m right here lol.

man, I bet he can get some hot iraqi chicks digits with them moves. he just needs to bust some drifting in some circles around the girlies and them panties be droppin.

nice video :tup:

we dont fucking care
please read the rules on fixing peoples grammar

That was awesome.

I think i LOLed

I definately did lol

check it out