Bike Path Rapist Caught?

Hell yeah, I hope its the right guy.

i just saw on channel 2. hes a 48 yr old father of 2. if its him i hope they fuck him up real good.

its on now… channel 7

Altemio Sanchez

That damn dirty sanchez

Pretty cool how they caught him. He went out to dinner with his family, police got a court order for all the dishes, 24 hours later they had the DNA match. BUSTED.

:tup: to good police work.

i hope it is the right guy, so the fam can have closure.

I hope its the right guy, jail or death will be to good for this guy. He deserves pain, lots of it.



yeah they got him.

heres his pic

thats one goofy looking motherfucker

its gotta be him ^^^^^

that pic was funny when it was first used 6 months ago


I agree though he is one goofy lookin dude.

his head is giant. definetly looks like a rapist. i hope they got him!

lol Yea all those big headed rapists. Im glad they got somebody and I hope its the right guy.

My wife saw a strange man on the bike path over the summer when she was walking with her friend and called the FBI hotline. Turns out when they showed his picture on the news today she got a little freaked out because she is 99% sure that is the guy she called about.

This kind of remark makes me uneasy, because it’s the kind that puts innocent people in prison.

Let’s let the evidence decide and not ourselves.

LOL giant head = rapist?

are u fucking kidding…go buy a sense of humor