I miss my bike but not when I see this.
ugh…I know her older sister.
Aren’t you around 324571642357896134785961345 years old? You might want to bust out that AARP card and get new bifocals. That bike is in tact except for some plastic.
That is the single dumbest fucking thing you have ever posted, and that’s fucking saying something. Words can not accurately express the level of your suck. I have never wished for someone to win the Darwin award as much as I want you to. It will be the crowning achievement in your existence.
I wonder if the impact from the bike spun the car to the position it was in at the time of the photo, if so, safe to say the bike was probably going over 35 mph, I delivered pizzas for almost 7 years in that area, I never went 35 once. And as far as fault is concerned, it is not going to be clear cut on either person, especially in NYS.
Ugh, I knew the rider. I was in the Army with him many years ago. He’s leaving behind a few kids from the last time I talked to him. He was 30, from Lockport. I’ve never ridden with him or know his riding style but he has mellowed out the last few years from what I was told.
thats why i sold mine…best friend from HS died in a wreck and shook me up
this seriously sucks.
however, every crash everyone says “this is why i don’t ride” “so and so crashed that was my friends friend”
might as well stop eating so you don’t choke, stop driving a car, stop flying in planes, i know someone with carpel-tunnel so I’m going to stop typing.
don’t be such pussies.
we need the :bigclap: back
This is true, but the injury/risk factor is much higher on a motorcycle.
100% of all people who consume water on a daily basis die.
Her Wednesday post:
“damn why am i shaking…”
It’s not speed that kills, It’s suddenly becoming stationary. That’s what get’s you.
-Jeremy Clarkson (maybe not an exact quote)
Sorry for the loss of this biker though. Sucks to hear.
This thread is spiraling like all the others!
I would venture a guess to say that a far greater percentage of people who ride bikes die from their activities than those who eat food and fly in planes. You really only have one life, and IMHO theres so many fucking sweet things you can do with your life that can stand in the place of riding. Sure theres an irreplaceable feeling you get from riding, you look cool, you feel cool, you go fast, etc. But I just cant imagine its that significant of a difference than that feeling you get from being in a siqqqq convertible or something. In no way am I comparing the two, but on a long enough timeline, you face some serious risks on a bike.
I still maintain ill own a bike someday but ill probably only ride it once a week for a few months out of the year.
I still feel there though be a ticket (traffic violation) to be issued for lack of attention. I think it fits the bill on this one. Regardless of the riders speed if she had looked and observed there would not have been a crash.
I’m going to oversimplify and dumb this down.
Cavalier curb weight 2800 + 100 driver = 2900.
Typical FWD split = 65/35
1885 lbs over front wheels
1015 lbs over rear wheels
IF the tires could produce 1g of grip Fy (lateral force) max would = normal load.
Car in left hand turn, typical low speed turn (intersection) .5 to .6 g. So call it .5g, Fy on rear tires 507.5 lbs.
We know that those tires can not produce 1g, so any side force greater than 507.5 lbs would cause the car to spin. (if we assumed .85g, then the side force required to overcome grip goes down to 355.25)
Back to our assumption of 35 mph = 42 foot fall = 12.8 meters
Bike weight = 400ish pounds = 181 kg
Bike lands 10 feet away = 3m (d after impact)
Bike side force on car = 7568N = 1701 lbs side force
Back to our assumption of 35 mph = 42 foot fall = 12.8 meters
Rider weight = 180ish pounds = 81kg
(huge assumption) Rider lands 30 feet away = 9m (d after impact)
Rider side force on car = 1128N = 253 lbs side force
Even with the bike alone is enough to cause the car to break free in the rear. Not to mention that the radius of the front tire is below the car’s center of gravity would also induce a jacking force that would also reduce the normal load on the tires, and reduce grip.
Cliffs, bike hit behind and below the center of gravity of a fwd car that was in the middle of a turn. Easily produce more side force than the rear tires could handle.
Still plausible that it hit at 35 mph (with no reaction time).
cheaty calcs used:
Don’t see how many Becks worth of damage anywhere in there though…
One of the comments from the story on channel 2. Who know’s if it’s true.
I agree with a lot of the comments here, but one of my co-workers saw this accident happen, and the biker was apparently going at a very high rate of speed; way above the limit. I’m not saying the driver wasn’t to blame as well, but a speeding bike can close a gap in a second. As a biker I always ride like everyone is out to get me; because they usually are.
Oh, sorry, making the assumption both are a total loss: sport bike ($5500) + old cavy ($2500) = .093333 Becks