Ahahah right on.
“Speed has never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary, that’s what gets you.”
Fucking LOL hahahahahahahaha
yes its possible she wasnt paying attention, however im leaning on the side that the bike was going much faster then 35.
curious what the outcome is.
I think I do the following: “you look cool, you feel cool, you go fast, etc.” skydiving as much as I do and after all I think it’s pretty safe as long as you aren’t an idiot
So you’re beating the odds…
whats that all about?
Probably because she had to poop really bad and her mom was in the bathroom doing her hair.
Where are the nudeZ
That cute little cheer bitches miserable existance just got a whole lot shittier.
Sucks the dude died. The scary part for me is that looks a lot like my bike (srad gixxer). The little skank definitely should have been paying attention. For those of you on here that say shit like " he rode like an idiot and deserves what he got"…i have one thing to say. How many of you have blasted by me and other people on the highway in your spiffy cars as if im standing still while im cruising at 80mph? How many of you have gone way over the speed limit on a side street where kids might be playing? How many of you have raced on public streets? EXACTLY! With that said…go fuck yourselves you pompus pricks.
I think fairgentlemanz pretty much put eberything to bed with his math awesomeness. But if thats not enough i have some anecdotal evidence to add to this. A few years ago i got in a fight with a douche twice my size that was more bark than bite. He fled in a black cavalier which was promptly booted right behind the dribers door by me as he was oulling away. The dent i put in that area was deeper than the one in the pictures from what i can tell. Yes we can get into the whole physics aspect of how my foot covers a much smaller area than a whole bike but why bother lol. Im inclined to believe that the guy wasnt going all thay fast. If he was going 70 or whatever in all honesty the bike probably would have been parked in the chicks lap.
It’s sad to hear that this guy had kids. I think it is a good idea to get rid of the bike when you have people depending on your existence. It just seem irresponsible. Or just have a really huge life insurance policy.
I’d liken riding a motorcycle to banging a lot of chicks and catching AIDS but, most of you wouldn’t get it.
I had AIDS once, it wasn’t THAT bad…
You can worry about everything and live an exceptionally boring lifestyle or you can just enjoy it. I am choosing to just enjoy and I took out a good life insurance policy lol.
I chose to even not masturbate in the shower as to not risk slipping and falling down to avoid injury.
You can choose to not do that? I thought it was automatic, like peeing in a pool.
White knuckles at times holding back…