bills thread v.23472398472

Whoops! There goes Adams on the golf cart! Things seem to be spiralling down pretty quickly!

treating the lady to some Mickey D’s?

oh shut up you…you still LIVE in BUFFALO mowhahahahaha

i didnt catch the game…but judging from all the reactions on here, i’m assuming it was just another typical Bills performance…awesome, go us

bills are just making me LOL

but I love SD & LT

Its only at Halftime, channel 4. LOL big fan eh?

hey at least you are off the bandwagon this week

things like this are bound to happen, all you haters can just change the station

san diego knew we had a weak run defense, so they are exploiting it

growing teams take lumps, thats all i can say

In case anyone else was wondering, here’s the “most points in a game” record:

72 Washington vs NY Giants (11/27/66)

You guys honestly didnt think that our last place defense against the run was going to stop LT. We overcompensated the plan for that and they ate us alive thru the air.

i just hope the bills organization realizes the futility of their playoff hopes and makes big changes for next year…

/2005-06 season…

the bills cant compete with playoff caliber teams or win road games


yep, thats exactly what happened. LT just got the tough yards he needed to on a couple 3rd downs and the touchdown, while brees and the rest of the offense tore apart the secondary.

i’m just disappointed merriman didn’t knock out jp like i said he would :stuck_out_tongue: but he pressured him a bunch and got 2 sacks, he’s gonna be GOOD

Man, that was pathetic. All this commenting on the Defense…

THe real question is… Do we even have an offensive line? Or were those cardboard cutouts out there setup in place of an offensive line? I mean, Losman didn’t even have more than a second. The ball was snapped, in his hands and he;d look up and already being pulled down or having to run to get away from SD pass rush. Imagine how many more sacks there woulda been if the kid didn’t have legs to GTFO a few times.

We never stood a chance.

LT only had sixty or so yards in that little exhibition. sixty.

that was our worst loss since the nfl strike. reminds me of 2002 when the raiders came to the ralph and bounced our asses off the scoreboard, something like 45-3.

makes me sooooo happy that wilson extended donahoe’s contract last year. yeah. oh well, there’s still asses in seats. :tdown:

people that live in buffalo are just tough motherfuckers. we have to be. my skin can stop armor-piercing rounds. well, at least the sabres are around .500… :roll:

51-3 oh yeah i remember :frowning: , Its gonna be a long time before we see another team of that caliber.

:rofl: yeap, dat’s it right dere.