bills thread v.23472398472



i’m about to go take his position

:word: x2423

WOW i just logged in to start the same thread.

for every year i talk shit about josh reed

he sucks so god damn bad i wanna punch him in the brain

god he pisses me the fuk off, someone put some damn glue on his hands.

i have always been on the “hate josh reed” bandwagon, but the first few games of the year i was slowly starting to give him respect as a decent receiver but he has ruined that once again.

“man…this looks like i jacked off an elephant!”

and when he misses the catch…he has this fucking look on his face…like some sort of smirk…and i just want to take a 2x4 to his face


now you know this doesn’t look natural

Im sure it didn’t help that he as shoved in the back while trying to make the catch, it did hit his hands tho.

please dont make excuses for josh reed, he is fucking awful

when are the bills going to learn not to run on 3rd down and long? dumb asses!

on the other hand, that camera view on the punt was awesome!

Now you know it dont! aww…the cups stuck

thank you adam…

no excuses for reed…he is just horrible

:waitingforadamscommentaboutthis: LOL


for real yo! it seriously looked like NES tecmo bowl

haha with the stupid shadows and the awkward angles, ahah

clements pisses me off too

Our defense is looking steller once again. Anybody remember when Brees sucked? The Chargers were like 0-8 that one year with him at quarterback. I’m just hoping that some point during this game, he resorts back to that Drew Brees (for our defenses sake!)

i can’t watch this anymore…i’m going to get ready for my dinner reservations

lates beoytches

sell out

trust me, losman is as frustrated as we are, so he is gonna go balls out and air it out to evans, win lose or draw that is

dont give up hope

ok mcgahee fumbled

dont give up hope!

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

that is all

the bills are just unraveling on tv…