Billz vs. Jetz

Bills o-line actually looked good today. A lot of it was just losman making bad decisions with time. I dont know if the jets pass rush is that bad or their line improved

Fins won, pats lost, bills lost…

a PERFECT WEEK… fins might be back in biz-nass…

and why wasnt the defence blitzing… rushing 4 guys doesnt help … chad had all the time in the world back there

losman is horrible. he makes a few good throws every game, but equally as many horrible ones. how can u outplay a team the entire first half, then go into the locker room losing??? GARBAGE.

mcgahee is ok, but as soon as we play a real D, he and the O-line have no chance.

our D can’t even stop the jets. horrible. they dont even have any kind of a running game. we beat miami, but miami (culpepper) played absolutely 100% terribly the whole game. the bills are 1-2, all division games. we’re losing against the pats and jets later this year, and will prolly beat miami in buff. so we’ll be 2-4 in the division, and overall record of 6-10.

meh, haters can hate. I was very upset watching the game myself. However I noticed a good running game come together, I noticed a decent passing game come together, and i noticed losman making good decisions and throwing the ball away when last year he woulda made a bad decision and threw a interception. Losman had 1 horrible throw and it ended up an interception which will happen 99.9 percent of the time. Didint rothlessburger throw a few interceptions yesterday??? didnt Brady throw a interception or 2 yesterday??? Defenses are too good at reading the play and making interceptions. Losman has thrown only 1 interception in 3 games.

However what I did notice is the predicibility of buffalo throwing on 3rd down and short. Almost every 3rd and short was a pass. What I also noticed was the LACK OF BLOCKING on losmans blind side when he rolls back for a pass. Thats gunna get him killed and its gunna cost fumbles just like yesterday. Take away those key plays that jets made and buffalo wins the game. Oh and not too mention the LACK OF PASS RUSH on our defense. Losman is hardly to blame for this game. It falls onto the defense and the blocking.

actually brady didnt throw any int’s

i wouldn’t call squeaking past the titans a good thing :stuck_out_tongue:

alas… i know this man :frowning: :sniffle:

  1. did you see the weather out? the wind was rediculous. he threw for 328 yards pretty fucking amazing in my opinion.

  2. the sorry attempt at the last minute… well i was at the game after they got the onside kick… it seemed like the sky just fucking opened right up, the wind picked up to about 40 on the field, wind right in his face, and a NASTY stinging rain… and you know what happens when you wear shoes that a designed for a dry, damp turf, when its pouring out… you fucking slip. like parrish and willis. Also the horrible fucking rain makes it impossible to throw the ball

personally i’m very very pleased with the offense…its the defense you should be pissed at… NO turnovers forced, and couldn’t stop the jets in the redzone. and yes… there were a few penalties that we’re like OMG are you serious!!! IE clements “tripping” but the refereeing was pretty equal,… as that pass interference call on the jets … they basically tripped on each other

yeah, he’s doing great this year

you can honestly tell me that you want losman to throw 25+ times a game? i’m not denying losman had good numbers yesterday, but the numbers don’t tell the whole story. he RARELY looks off the primary reciever. every game this season, its been easy to pick up on. just like his wr screen passes…when he fakes the hand off and turns and just fires…does he ever even think twice and look? no. he’s already made up his mind before the ball is even snapped. he IS throwing to THAT reciever, no matter what. veteran defenses are going to be picking this up REAL soon, he’s not fooling anyone out there. just my 2 cents from watching the games thats all :gotme:

I think it was a decent game overall. On the 2nd fumble, McGahee totally blew his block on the safety. The 3rd and short play in the redzone sucked, I think they shouldve pounded it in on 3rd and 4th the way Willis was running. Blame the D-line, Pennington threw all day and where was the pressure on him?

well I will say i really haven’t paid that much attention to that… I believe you though… i just thought he did pretty well… 328 yards for him is a big plus in my book its something he needs to grow confidence as a QB

that play would have been PERFECT he would have walked in… (assuming you are talking about the losman roll out) but that one D-end was back there (probably something that wasn’t anticipated… )

that play would have been PERFECT he would have walked in… (assuming you are talking about the losman roll out) but that one D-end was back there (probably something that wasn’t anticipated… )

He didn’t suck at all last year when he was a rookie.

i was wearing my obsolite Brees Jeresy…dont worry the new LT jeresy in on zee way…as fro zee bills…they need to stick with the run more…i agree with Jay…suer Losmans #s were decent but when ur running back has 90 yrds before halftime…u might want to keep givign it to him…with time and experience u may be able to let Losman throw 25-30 times a game…but not right now…some play calling msitakes as well…i think over the course of the season u will see a steady improvement with the whole team and system