bing's gb

alright so what’s going on with the payment for this…

i wouldnt worry about it , bing is capable of takin care of this, i have full trust in him and i think everybody else should.


Yep, no need to worry. Bing and I have it worked out.

your coming 2? I can’t wait to hit up the beach :lol:

for the record this thread was opened as per bing’s statement

yeah no prob,

i am having a serisouly difficult time sending this payment.

Paul, i need you to get a hold of me ASAP.

i have already spent quite a bit of money transferiung funds across and still i havent gotten anywhere

your coming 2? I can’t wait to hit up the beach :lol:[/quote]

Shhh what are you doing, you fool!

That’s it, you dont get to share the Royal Suite with me anymore

Well hey nobody’s perfect :wink:

He just got my account # wrong. It will all be resolved shortly.

Ok. It’s done, we’re all paid.

next time we have a buy like this it might be better if u guys went through someone who works at a bank. they get a discounted exchange rate and the fees that are normally charged for money transfers/wires are heavily discounted. that way everyone gets a good rate and the money gets to its destination on time and problem free. paypal exchange rates combined with 4% of approx 4Gs is a lot of money that couldve been saved.

yeah i got ass-fukked with a few things…

some people say that i should bank with a differnt bank, i use a local credit union.

but man, it is so refreshing to walk into a bank where they all know me and help me out and stuff.

it really does have a community feel there, and i have been there 3-4 times in the last 48 hours…hahha

i was using their phones, opening new accounts and closing them, swithicng money here and there… it was messed up.

i am just happy that it is over, payment anyways, it has been a stressful 48 hours i tell you.

i dunno about u guys but i do ALL my banking online. its just so much more convenient. only reason why i’d step in to a branch would be to buy drafts or currency exchange heh. well so long as this is all taken care of we can all start looking forward to our goodies. thanks bing for taking care of this.

Bing how much are you down? just outa curiousity, if its alot i may throw u a couple extra bucks.

iono actually, the math is complicated…

i lost about $80 just on exchange rates and fees or something ghey…

dont worry about it, hopefully it will all pay off in the end.

temporarily i am short a bit, but i still have a couple hundred to collect from my buddy in buffalo, he picked up a few things but he is paying me when it arrives…

i alreayd notified the people that purchased the hard tie rods for S13, they were out of stock for a bit… refunds have already been issued to one

i am going to work out the shipping crap now.

btw, the shipment is not coming by USPS anymore, i thikn it is coming with UPS, which i guess is good. their trackign info is more accurate.

i should know a bit more tomorrow.