Bings Meet 2015

So we are well on our way into this new year, and I personally think its time we all started hounding Bing about getting a 2015 meet together. I’ve noticed over the past years, the sooner we do it, the more likely it is to happen lol.

I personally vote on later in the year as my engine is in pieces and not sure how long it will take me to get it all back together.

I’ve made a Poll so that we can get an idea of when people are more likely to come with their 240’s.

gents, these are always easier for me to do before June or after Sept. The June / July / August corridor is very busy for me with work which is why i’ve tried to do them outside that in the past couple years.

we’ve also been getting unlucky with the weather…

i dont mind keeping with the same formula but i also like the idea of adding new elements to it but havent really been able to figure out how or what.

Feel free to change the poll Bing. Maybe to:

OMG! Waybackplayback!


guys i think it is fair to say that fall will be when this goes down.

too much on the go right now to put it together… many apologies