bizzare smoking

Hey got a 93 manual s13 kade stock except for e-bay intake. Today i was driving around all day in north bay dropping resumes off, when the car started blowing white smoke out the exhaust, towards the end of the day. The weird part is that the smoke didn’t smell like oil or coolant, just smelt like nasty exhaust. This has been the first time in a long time that i’ve driven the car for a whole day, so i was rippen around a bit. So i was giveing it a lil workout. It has been fucken cold up here for a long time and i usually just do short hops around town, and never really drive for more than 20km @ a time. The engine does burn a lil oil, as the valve stems seals are worn. Could it be just all the shit that’s collected in the exhaust burning off, or something else worse like the cat or something else destroying itself.
Anybody else experience this?

I don’t know if this is the same, but when i first started driving my s14 after being parked all winter, I had the car idling for a while (maybe 10mins or more) waiting for someone and i noticed a lot of white smoke coming out the tail. I knew it wasn’t over heating or anything so I was scared maybe my head gasket was going but its been a few months now and car is running perfectly fine… So maybe it was just a build up of stuff… I don’t remember but I was also probably ripping it a bit as the car just came out of hibernation and I was happy to be driving it.