
thanks i just got fired.


i would assume that says bleeding would not be the most work safe thread

Hahha thats fucking gross.

My ass is doing pretty good. Started eating better and working out. I think I had a scab on it that kept breaking when I would wipe too hard so I eased up on it.

that was fucking gross

Hope you have that insurance that pays if you get sick & can’t work, What’s it called?
Oh yeah, ASSLAC!

bump cause of the bleeding ass dude…

rotfLOL!!! goddamn i think the ass murder is going to make me :barf::barf::barf::crap: that was just bad!!! this board has hit a new low!

Sweat Pants anyone?

somebody put a NWS on this dammit

sombody ban Boxxa from the forum. This is retarded.


ban this kid