Blown Head Gasket!?

So for the last week or so I have noticed my car has been pumping out a nice white cloud of smoke on the initial startup, after it has sat for a couple of hours or when I start it in the morning. So I checked my oil and on my dip stick I had about a mm of oil on it, so I refilled the oil and I also noticed that my Coolant level is almost at the min line on the coolant holder, this pisses the hell outa me. 2000km on a new engine and a blown head gasket. Nissan has to get their heads out their asses and start making true quality products again, cause this type of shit just shouldn’t happen.

Is your oil milky and do you do a compression test?

Damn man. It has to be a nice fuckin “injury” to the head gasket to be using that much oil and coolant. Any coolant in the oil pan? Alot of times (I’ve seen it happen a few times) when the mechanics go to put the head on, they slide the head around to find the dowel pins that lines the head up and that will tear the gasket in most cases. Who knows what your case is. Isn’t it under warranty for you?

Ouch dude! Will the problems never stop for the blackout Spec? :frowning:

Well I’m going to be one unhappy customer when I go over there tomorrow. And for those of you who don’t know the history of the spec that well a blown head gasket is a fairly common thing on the Spec. And oil burning is also very common on a new QR25DE, so I’m not too concerned about that, but the Coolant level is very indicative of a blown head gasket, and yes it seems like my Spec has fallen victim to every problem that it could possibly have, so this had better be the end of the problems. Anyhow the car goes in tomorrow and I EXPECT to get this car back just the way it should be and if it’s not I will be refusing to take it until they get it right.

Isn’t it under warranty though?

Did you follow the procedures of “break-in” with the new motor? They’ll likely be asking you about that, and then try to blame you for beatin on the motor while it was in the break-in period.

Hope it works out.

Oh yeah, I babied this thing, cause not only did I have the new engine I had the JWT C&F that I needed to break in for 500miles right off the bat, and yes the engine breakin period is 2000km, and I wanted to not take any chances on this engine cause I wanted to keep this engine mint for when I was going to go turbo. So I think I have reason to be pissed, I’ve had 84,000km before this engine to learn what kind of performance it has. I think I can stay of the mashing for at least 2k. :E

They’ll be able to tell if you beat the shit out of it. I never really got an inside look when I worked at Nissan, but they know abuse when they see it.

Thanks for that but I DIDN’T BEAT THE SHIT out of my car so if you have nothing to contribute… :axe:

Explain more… are they pshycic or something?

In my experience, an easy break-in creates more problems then a hard break-in. Just for the fact that piston rings don’t seal by spring tension. Of all the motors I have worked on the, worst looking ones are the ones that had an easy break-in. A good friend of mine beat the piss out of his Cobra motor and when we went to rebuild it, it looked almost brand new with 40,000KM on the clock. But nonetheless, hope you get your issues resolved. Seems like you’re having nothing but trouble.

Oh no not you again. :rolleyes:

Explain more… are they pshycic or something?[/quote]

Plug in the ECU to their computers. Not sure if Nissan can do it, but I know BMW can. They do it to each of their M3’s when they come in after break-in period.

I assume this is Matt. The QR25 is very sensitive to the break in period. Guys who beat the shit out of their QR’s from day one were for the most part, the same guys who complained about high oil consumption in their SE-R’s/Spec V’s. Also guys who took it easy on break in put down a little more power. I know I did. I’m on my second QR (first one dead due to hydrolock) and both have never burned a drop of oil. The dipstick level has never droped between oil changes. This is with 60k on the first engine, 30k on #2.

Same for me. Never ate any oil at all, run roughly, or given me any trouble. I babied the car during the break in period. It never saw over 3K rpm in the first 2000KM, and now it pays me back with running smoothly and giving no trouble.

Of course, that said, it does only have 23.5K on it. :smiley:

23.5k are you kidding?

Nope. And if I had the option, that number would have been 4K less and I wouldn’t have driven it much to work. You have to understand, I love driving, but not when I’m tired (ie. coming home from woek) or anywhere around Stony Plain - there is just nothing exciting to drive though around here at all. What can I say, straight streets don’t do it for me.

And you want to start making runs to Calgary?

And you want to start making runs to Calgary?[/quote]

lol “Owned” :partyman: