BMW (employed) Techs: lend me your ear.


So I bought a e46 325xit recently and am having a very hard time getting the readiness monitors for SAI, EVAP, and O2 heaters to reset. It’s been a couple hundred miles of cold start drive cycles, as instructed from a thread on e46fanatics.

Jason Dale and I are sort of at a loss, other than to arbitrarily replace the pre-cat O2 sensors to see if that makes all of the readiness planets align.

I read on a thread that a guy had a BMW tech reset all of the values in the ECU, then he did two cold start cycles and everything worked out swell. My favor I ask is whether this sounds familiar to any of you, and if you are a tech at Towne, is scanning and resetting values something you could help me out with?

Cheers, from a guy who got kind of boned on the BMW he just bought (there are/were other things wrong than just this),



Have you looked into what OBDII considers a “drive cycle”?

On my GTO I’ve driven hundreds of miles without hitting all the status monitors. Following that document I was able to do it in one drive and about 15 minutes.

I think the reason it takes so long to hit all the test with just normal driving is that coast down deceleration part of the test. Very rarely if ever do I slow from 50mph to under 20mph without using the brakes. I’m too aggressive a driver to coast that far. :slight_smile:

@goff he’s the guy to ask on here

      • Updated - - -

OBDII drive cycle explained/smogging Try this in the mean time.

That’s exactly what I meant by “drive cycle”, and I have done about 6 of them.

Id say replace the 02’s. The heaters break all the time if banged around and such. If your tight on cash buy them used on e46fanatics. What else is wrong with it? i have tons of e46 parts laying around.

Needs an axle, has non-xi coils, other tie bit things, and it’s going to need a clutch sooner than later.

What’s the last 7 of the vin? Curious if this has a SULEV engine…

These usually aren’t a problem setting monitors, I can reset the adaptation values and try forcing EVAP to set. It doesn’t always work, but worth a shot. I assume there aren’t any codes set?

This is definitely an M54, not M56. No codes, no pending codes. I did reset all adaptations, in addition to clearing the light. However, neither of my scan tools have the ability to force monitors to run.

I can try flashing the DME to the latest software. Aside from adaptations there aren’t any other values I can reset. Forcing evap just involves me running the evap test on our diagnostic equipment, sometimes it will set the monitor. The same can be done with secondary air, it used to work every time but with the newer equipment it doesn’t always work.