BMW stolen in 3min key fob programmed

"My BMW 1M stolen without keys in 3 minutes! This is a video of a £43,000 BMW 1M Stolen at 3am in 3 minutes. The thieves accomplished this by accessing the BMW OBD port in the footwell by breaking the glass, reaching in and using a device to reprogram a blank key fob. The car was simply then unlocked and pushed off the drive and driven away.

BMW doesn’t seem to want to admit they have a problem, even though over 300 cars have been stolen in March 2012 in a single UK county."

More details on the thread below

Ruh roh

this is gay i want to see the nerdy shit go down

you can do that with any PTS car as long as you have scantool/software and the know how

Yeah welcome to 60 Minutes 20 years ago. :gotme:

Yea this isn’t capturing some RF signal to unlock a car door…

I am old school, I didn’t even think about the new keys that aren’t really keys at all. This seems way too easy. lol

some tv show did a test with a new challenger with PTS … the person was in a store or restaurant and they were able to start the car and leave while they had the remote 100ft away

Top Gear

You mean just opening the door? that sounds like somethings not working right, if my key is in the wrong pocket I have to get it closer to the door I’m trying to unlock. It doesn’t work from 100ft or even 10 ft away.