Book time for starter

Can someone look up the book time to replace a starter on a 2001 Chevy Cavalier, 2.2. A friend was just quoted $250 in labor at a private shop and I think that’s awful high.

whats the labor rate? ive seen shops charge as much as 95/hour so 2.5 hours doesnt seem too far fetched depending on how accessable it is.

i cant see it being any more then an hour though, its not like its a starter in a bmw or one of those northstar v8’s lol.

yea it can be done in about 30 minutes…

This is about what I was thinking after looking at some step by step how to guides online. Possibly remove the air intake tube to make some room. Remove 3 accessible bolts to remove a bell housing cover, remove starter wires and 2 starter bolts.

The sad thing is this shop is owned by a good friend’s brother, which is why I sent the guy there in the first place. That’s why I’d really like to see the actual book time figures.

Already told my friend to get the car to my house and I’ll help him swap it for the low low price of some good high ABV beers.

alldata says 0.8 to replace.


Fuck if it’s anything like a s10 to replace its a bitch, if I’m not mistaken it shouldn’t take more then a hour.

It’s probably the exact same on a RWD truck as a FWD car…


Thanks for the alldata quote.

The Cavy is parked in front of my house now, lowering my property value until the cheapy eBay starter he bought is delivered.

was ebay really that much cheaper that autozone? or did you pick up a used one?

Brand new for $53 with free shipping, vs $120 local. Not sure how much I trust it but my brother in law is cheap and doing this for his girlfriend who’s even more cheap. I told him if it fails again in 6 months he’s on his own. I suggested the napa reman one.

What did he save 20 bucks? These are extremely easy

You mean, someone who works on cars is looking to make a profit??? Fuck me, what is this world coming too? Tell fggt brother in law to learn how to operate a wrench and then he too can have the privlidge of working on an AWESOME Cavalier.

Another helpful response from Quattro Krant… Why are you so mad?

Friends / family + money = disaster (almost every time)

General stupidity and extreme cases of Heebery always bring out the best in me.

I think there’s only one E in Hebery.

Only one thing could make this even more fucking awesome than him being so cheap that Autozone was to cheap he went to ebay? What next, WTB: used starter? I know EXACTLY why they quoted so much, fuck you, $300 or fuck off, that’s how much, just so I don’t have to deal with you.

Profit is fine, that’s why shop’s labor rate is 75-95/hr. It goes from profit to ripoff when you quote 2+ hours to do a 45 minute job.

Surprised he didn’t get excited to work on his car for free installing Ebay race parts 2-3x. He reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, this was his way. Russ not wanting to return your call to emotionally console you in your time of need when your center cap got broke was his way of trying to let you read between the lines. No more NySpeed discount means he doesn’t lose anymore money for charity cases who want corner balance worthy alignments for free.