Boost Control

I have been reading about turbo but i need some help understand it. so the exhaust minifold connected to the turbo spinning it createing boost okay and that where the WASTEGATE is and if I have a adjustable wastegate like changing the springs making it open at 20 psi then do i still need a boost controller and why becasue what boost controller does it tricking the wastegate that can’t be adjusted so it will allow more boost before opening?
2nd if i buy a HKS non adjustable wategate what size because i was thinking if i get a too big of a wategate like 20psi rated then it won’t open til like 20 psi and let say i want the boost to be 10psi which i set on the boost controller the wastegate still won’t open til 20 so the boost controller in this case is useless until i get a smaller wastegate… please explained this to me cuz i did alot of research and still don’t understand hot the wastegate and boost controller thing work

i dont understand what exactly your question is.

obviously if you want max boost to be around 10psi, you don’t get a spring that’s calibrated to open the wastegate at 20.

a boost controller will only let you run as little boost as your spring is set to, or higher. never lower.

what is your engine and turbo setup?

your wastegate should have a spring in it that opens at the lowest boost you ever want to run

then you use a boost controller to tune from there. if you never want ot change your boost then you dont need a boost controller.

a wastegate diverts air around the turbo. it is before the turob in teh manifold and all it does is let exhaust gas pass through it and around the turbo back into the exhaust or out to the atmosphere (that is called a screamer pipe).

a wastegate that is too small will cause something called “boost creep” this happens when the wastegate can not divert enough exhaust gas and the turbo keeps speeding up, and the higher you go the worse it gets (since you’re pumping a hell of a lot more air).

find a diagram on the net to help you out its pretty simple

thanks i got my answer …thanks for the help… now i get it the wastegate only contorl the BASE boost i want then tune with boost controllor… so the wastegate connected to the downpipe ???

the wastgate will attach to the Manifold and then the dump pipe can attach to the Downpipe, well you do not have to but it is quite loud when it is not


alrite so i understand that part… okay so the boost controllor connects the wastegate and the turbo via a vacum line and by letting less air ti the wastegate it will make more boost… am i rite? thanks

The boost controller just allows the wastegate to remain open at higher boost levels. I believe it does this by diverting some of the vacuum into the fmic? Not 100% sure.

The boost controller sits between the turbo/intake pipe reducing the PSI from one end of the vac line to the next. So your engine is seeing 15 PSI and the boost controller could be set so that the wastegate opens thinking it has finally reached 7 PSI, for example.

So yeah, you’re right, it’s tricking the wastegate, that’s all.