wastegate question

Not sure about this so correct me if im wrong!!
There’s a pressure line going from your cold pipe (throtle side) into the wastegate, which controlls how much the wastegate opens to release…therefore when adding a boost controller, it now controlls how much the wastegate opens, thus adding boost…lets say we have NO boost gage and cut the line leading into the wastegate so that its always open…this should boost it up?
Im not sure about all this…and how it works but im wondering at what psi would i be running if i did this??
correct me if im wrong on all this…

There is a pressure line going from your HOTpipe (exhaust side) into the wastegate ACTUATOR.

If you cut the line leading up to the wastegate it will never open, you will
overboost and blow your turbo.

If you take the little arm off your wastegate from the wastegate actuator
then it will open freely and you will not be able to build boost.

I don’t know what you are trying to acheive… but you should have a boost
gauge on any turbo application. If you want to increse boost either buy a
boost controller or a wastegate actuator to stiffen it up so that it stays shut
until higher boost.

ok so if i cut the line the wastegate stays closed not open, i had that part reversed thanks
So when its closed at all times i guess that would mean im running at too high of a boost, any idea what psi? 13-16? yes i know i should have a boost guage…soon
with a boost gauge i would know the psi it would be running at, but i just thought someone had done this before and known.

No with the wastegate closed all the time, you will blow your turbo.

Thanks for your info, i only asked cause my line was cut when the clip came to me from Japan, i knew it was cut but dudnt know if it was good or bad, lack of knowledge.
My friend just noticed it and explained it to me.
I just now reconnected the line and am running at stock form…the thing is i’ve been running like this everyday for the past 8 months, no problems have ever occured, now that its connected i dont like it…shit its SLOW!!

OK one more note to add to all this…on my hotpipe, the location where the line was connected that leads into the wastegate was left open for air to get out, once i plugged this up (today for 1 run) i noticed i got pre-egnition happening. i think i was getting too much boost.
So by leaving that side open iand closing of the wastegate it seemed to boost it, but not to the point of pre-egnition.
is it making any sense?

Ok, first off. If your wastegate remains closed, then you will keep building boost to the point where you run too lean, detonate a few times, and blow the motor. This is going to happen way before you blow your turbo from excessive revolutions, so you don’t even have to worry about that.

So you plugged up the line going to the wastegate actuator? By plugged up, do you mean you connected it to a nipple on the hot pipe? If so, then your actuator should see boost and let the wastegate flap open at 7 psi. Yet, you say you’re getting detonation when this is happening? If so, you’re not hooking up your lines properly.

Honestly, if you don’t know exactly what you are doing, don’t touch it. Take it to someone who does. Despite the SR having forged internals, it will blow from excessive detonation just like any other motor.

The nipple on the hotpipe was left open, releasing pressure into atmosphere, and the wastegate was cut off, basically not opening. So the turbo boost just kept on raising as the turbo spooled. but not to the point of detonation, because some of the pressure was released through the nipple in the hotpipe, now how much boost was being released and how much actual boost got to the turbo im not sure cause i dont have a boost guage but am getting one.
this is how the clip came!!
I just connected the pressure line from the hipple to the wastegate so its normal but i lost power, which makes sense cause the wastegate is now opening.
But thats what i was wondering, if this was a trick to get power and under what boost was that turbo running? definetelly not a safe was of doing things, but thats how i got it.
what im gonna do when i get that boost gauge is set it the way i had it and see what psi it was actually running at…just to see…
when i actually go and boost her i’ll do it the right way :wink:

I’ve heard of people seeing 20-22psi on the stock T25 with the wastegate disconnected. Definatly not advisable…
With the bleed off from the open wastegate pressure pipe you’ve probably been seeing 15psi.

8 months running like this? You’ve been lucky!


you’ve been running 8 months like this. Can’t be.

I’m confused, are you saying you’ve had the vacuum line to the wastgate actuator disconnected for 8 months :?:

Also, word of advice. Get a boost gauge. that should have been purchased before the engine!!!

yeah guys 8 months if not longer, with no problems…I had to adjust my timing once but not a single problem. Its connected now all it did is slow me down but no change.
I have that boost gauge coming, just to see what i was running im gonna hook it up and run like i did for that first 8 months…


well maybe these SR20’s are storonger than people give them credit for…im sure it helps that its a 98’ too, i guess you could say im lucky, or maybe it was a cool planned out trick straight from Japan…im just very interested to know what psi i was running at…how much did that little nipple actually lower it by…its gonna be exciting.

An engine is an engine. I don’t care what it is. Yes SR’s may be stonrg, so are KA’s. But when an engine leans out, i don’t care what engine it is, it does damage.

You must have been leaning out, to what extent I don’t know, but you must have been getting detonation unless you retarded timing.

All I can say is, that engine has gone through hell. Now that you fixed your problem, I would do that engine a favour and change the oil.


I’m suprised you havent ruined your turbo already from overworking it.

I’m also suprised you didn’t notice your car running like hairy sweaty
ballsack, since you had a boost leak because of this.

Go to the FAQ page at SRSWAP.com if you need help setting up your
vaccum lines… Do yourself a favour and read that before you
inadvertently cause anymore damage to your engine.

Well i didnt know they had an article about how to hook up vacume lines…hehe im gonna have to go through that, but im pretty sure its ok now i’ve had a few guys take a look at it since :slight_smile:
thanks for that info though…

and Andrew yeah i change to synthetic once every 5000 km im up for one very soon