get the car to me and ill get the tranny out and new one in why wait :nono…all it takes is 1 time for that sun shell and wipes out the case and your close to itnow that car is runnin right its not gonna help that tranny at allonly hurt it more
spring lol…gotta put in a new rear main seal also
you saw my setup etc…if you were me, what torque converter would you go with?? I wanna be able to build about 5-6psi from a dig…so would I want a 3800? stock is 2100 i believe. I will have MT drag radials by then anyways so im not too worried about traction issues.
3000/3500 still streetable and yet a good hit when ya need it :nod
I have a 3200 stall. It depends on where it flashs thou. Cant always go by stall.
Id say around 3200 would be nice, streetable and you will build boost.
well i see full boost by 3900 rpms…and i have 3.42 rear gears.
Why do people say ‘full boost’? What exactly is that? Where are you seeing XPSI at YRPM?
When your turbo meets full spool for your regulated boost… Say you have a WG spring for 10psi. Your full boost would be when ever your at a full 10psi and of course more than 10# would be a spike or boost creep
I am aware but the term is pointless because it cannot be quantified.
Anyhow, how is full boost your WG spring? And how would more than WG boost be spike or boost creep? Shouldn’t it be the target boost and not ‘WG spring’?
I was just using that as an idea of target boost. Full boost is whatever your system is set to meet. Its just a term I guess
Makes sense. It’s the target boost. Yea, I just never understood why people use the term.
ok…I have a 15lb wastegate spring in…so I see 15psi at 39XX rpms.
Exactly what I see.
but granted this is with a slipping tranny…with a new tranny it should be somewhere around 36XX
also, are you still on upgraded twins?? or a big single?? Not very aware on the setup you have.
shawn96vr-4 is on twin 16g’s with a big fmic… made mid 6xx awhp and 6xx awtq… for a power reference his car went 11.71 @ 127 on a 1.96 60’… on a stock block
What Travis said but the car went 127 with about ~580AWHP without the meth.
God. That 1.96 60’ still hurts to read. I should get rid of the puss and run DRs.
Stock block and stock inernals or just stock block… just want to clarify
stock longblock i believe
ok… longblock is a better word
sweet…car hauls some serious ass then…
what Meth kit are you running?
snow performance iirc? :ponder