cosworth pistons, cosworth knife edged crank and some beefy ass rods. haha. no dimentions, just a few pics. the crank isnt done and if i can i will render it in a machined finish. not sure my comp will let me.
also when im done, i will make it all work. i will assembly it in an simulation mode so that i will be able to rotate the crank and the pistons will move up and down. cool huh?
yea im not going into toooo much detail like retaining rings, bearings, and all the cuts but ill do what i can. i think my next endevor is a tubular manifold.
You ever use Pro-Engineer? Idk why they taught us that at RIT, seems most companies use Solidworks. I got a cool turbo impeller blade I’ll post up when I get up from Pro-E.