JClark, drool inducer for ya.

This, coupled with that book I lent you should be enough to start salivation ;D

I don’t normally post the SW CAD pictures on this stuff, but it’s only a core to test dimensionality right now anyway. This is just a start. Once I figure out rotational dimensionality, shit’s really gonna soar!



You know what that is! :tong More to come, however most undisclosed except in private.

what kind of crazy project you got going :ninja

Just a little something talked up recently that I’m looking into for possible near future use :ninja. Some 6.4L of v12 fury

god i miss using cad, and inventor

This shit’s my third arm. I could never let it go :tong Sometimes I wish I actually went to school for it, then again I think I learned more on my own that I would have in a classroom dictated by a instructor.

:ninja… :mwahaha

i kick myself in the face everytime i think i had couldnt get to my files in hs in time b4 they erased them. i use to use cad/inventor on lunch, studyhall and some times stayed after. :headbang GL with the v12 fury!

Beeeep* Thanks for calling the JClark residence. We currently have no frickin power and are reduced to viewing forums on our Blackberry which cannot view pictures in this browser. We will get back to you shortly. Thanks and everyone with power can bite me. :shifty

Adam, maybe I’m retarted but that doesnt look very proportional? or do you just use it for rough ideas and whatnot? I don’t think Cylinder walls are supposed to chop into the block like that :tong

It’s just distored because I resized the photo in an editor after hitting prntscrn. It’s quite proportional in solidworks. ;D The Trimetric view also throws things off sometimes. Bore is just displayed choppy with solid+outline feature. Turn outline off(just solid view) and it’s smooth, just hard to decipher depth in a picture without being able to rotate it to check all shading.

Might throw up a pic two of the billet crank later on

The software doesn’t look like anything I’ve seen or used, may I inquire what software is that?

really? what do you do the formula car in? proE?

Solidworks. Also have Cosmos for stress analysis, Motion(for moving assemblies), and Floworks(fluid dynamics/gaseous programs) to integrate with the Solidworks files. It’s the only software I use for CAD/CAM and 3d modeling.

“S64”? :ninja

lolz, going per designation codes vs displacement on the S50/52/54 series it would actually be S108 :lol

Dicking around with the crankshaft right now…this one’s a bitch with first and third order vibrations

yeah… im, dumb… i was thinking 3.2 x 2… not following the engine code trend… but yes S54 siamesed :nod

count me in!

I’ll take three!

Are the slits at either end of the deck for the timing chain? why are they opposite to each other?

Those are for the vtech celenoids duhhh

i dunno… i thought collant jackets at first