
So with my new position at Expedient I have been getting to do a good bit of traveling. I have been doing the back and forth thing to Cleveland. Then spent some time in Richmond last week. All have been great, meals on the company that type of deal.

Finally hit the jackpot on trips though! I am heading to a meeting in Boston with EMC. Check out the hotel they put us in!

500 bones a night! All on someone elses dime! i love it!

Since i was supposed to go up Wednesday and Thursday come home Friday I just decided to extend that trip to leave on Sunday. So I essentially got a free work/vacation trip to Boston… woohoo!

Anyone have any recommendations on what to do in Boston? i definitely want to try to catch a Red Sox game!

Touristy crap like visit “Cheers” the bar form that TV show, 'Sox game, there’s a really cool chinatown up there.


ritz’s are nice hotels… what are you meeting emc for???

you can walk the freedom trail and check out paul revere’s house…LOL>… i think they have swan tours as opposed to pittsburgh’s ducky tours… newbury street is yuppie shopping and there is a big mall in town…

have fun… i might be in boston in two weeks…

I honestly am not even sure yet, I am hoping i get briefed before we go though! I think we are just going to talk about our purchases and the ones we are planning to make… who knows though

i know emc does back servers disaster recovery stuff, but you gots to get you a boston cream pie, there is a bakery there that is famous for em i saw it on the food network, god i am fat i watch food tv

emc is big time…

i also watch food tv… and i’m fat too

get ready to spend decent money to get a sox ticket!!! my parents lived in Wintrop, its a nice area, 3 houses from the beach, i can go on and on of things to do, salem isnt that far, my moms friend lives on the hill where all the witch hangings took place, and ya chinatown is sweet there

currently we use there backup system, SAN, and now VM stuff. So yeah, we could be all over the place here!

I walked the freedom trail. Pretty cool. You can get maps at the Boston Commons. If you are in no hurry, buy a tour bus pass. It’s like $20 and you can use it for 24 hours. Then you can do sightseeing as you go place to place.

Go see Old Ironside, too, the oldest commissioned ship in the Navy. Check out the poop deck. :rofl:

Cheers kinda sucks cause only the steps look the same as the show. At the bottom of the steps is a hostess station.

I need a job with Expedient…

Tell them they were better when they were Dantz :greddy:

They weren’t, but by far my favorite backup vendor.

p.s. business travel indeed rocks! Been to Santa Monica some (blew out of work early to surf he he), DC, San Fran, and I’m trying to pull a trip to San Diego at the end of April. :gome

Newbury Comics

the hotel room reminds me of Fraiser, have fun!

Take it from somene who used to live in that area. . . Quincy Market, USS Constitution, anything on the Harbor (HAAAAbAAA), Walk around and take pictures of the architecture… That city has got a lot older shit than here in Pitttsburgh. Don’t get offended if people don’t give a shit if you exist- thats New England!

throw a tea party :kekegay:

omg i was just going to post the same thing! :eek:

I’ll be there this month! Can’t wait - such a great city!

thanks for the info! I am doing my research now… seems like there is a ton to do in just a few days!