Bought a macbook pro... suggestions?

even I didn’t take ILCisDEAD seriously in this thread :lol:

See thats your problem, its your inability to secure the computer. Not the computer itself.


I’m really not going to bother explaining this, because like 90% of the world you won’t understand it anyway.


If hes willing to shell out the money to not have to deal with it, then thats his decision. Not everyone wants to waste time tinkering with a computer constantly. Its just a time/money trade-off

what does money have to do about this. He is bitching about sending his computer away twice cause in his mind windows sucks. So when he got his mac he didn’t have to do this. Whoop de doo.

He bitched about windows sucking, when he is infact the one that sucks.

you say that if he spent time “securing” the computer(aka fixing M$ mistakes) that it wouldn’t have been a problem, and you are correct. but some people don’t want to deal with that shit, so they will in turn spend more money and buy a mac which does no require time to “secure”. In the end it is a time/money trade-off for him.

LOL @ M$ mistakes. You are in computer science. EVERYTHING HAS VULNERABILITIES YOU KNOW THIS!!!

OSX has vulnerabilities, XP has vulnerabilities, Vista has vulnerabilities, YOU HAVE VULNERABILITIES.

Seriously wait until the market share shifts because everyone has the same mentality as you do. Then watch the idiots complain, cause the emphasis of hackers or whom ever shifts to write viruses for OSX.

Look at the statistics, now you just need someone willing to write what not to exploit this… Who seriously is making mistakes now? M$ or Apple?


You really have no clue there are a lot of vulnerabilitys in macosx…Just because they were not targeted on such a wide scale as those against windows does not mean your anymore secure.




are the apple phones based on OSX?

I know to “hack”/jailbreak the last firmware, all you needed to do is visit a site which uses a .tif exploit to crash the browser and enabling the site to run a script to unlock the phone. Kind of scary… if it was malicious it could of wiped everything from it or opened a backdoor without the user ever knowing.

An OS is only as secure as the user makes it

im not stupid…everyones allowed to take a stab at ms every now and then arent they?

I didnt say osx has no vulnerabilities. I simply stated that it takes less effort to keep a mac “clean”. I didn’t say anything about the future…

EDIT: FormulaLS1, you are obviously a retard. The FIRST line of the pdf you posted states: “Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger provides one of the most secure default installations of any desktop operating

man, i am really finding some gems here: “Viruses, trojans and other malware are relatively uncommon on the Mac OS X platform, and as a
result currently present a far lower risk than on Windows systems.”

I don’t see the point in just taking a stab at Microsoft (M$ for the elite)

I was more keying in on the “Mistakes” its a very large word, when vulnerabilities don’t tend to be mistakes. Its like 9/11 did one assume that someone would take a plane into the world trade center? Doubtful. There are those Oh Shit moments, where they find the vulnerability and publish it, gets fixed and hackers focus on the unpatched machines.

Man you get bitchy when faced with opposition.

But correct less effort to clean since there isn’t as large of a threat, Yet.

everyone gets bitchy when ppl disagree. I just think you took what I said the wrong way.

i mean seriously, do you think I did not know this?

Less effort to keep it clean, because theres less spyware/viruses out there written for it CURRENTLY (not for long hopefully). Like the other guy said, wait until the market starts to shift. I cant wait. Really. If I see another stupid pc vs mac commercial, Ill probably stab somebody. Ill never buy anything apple just because of that. Even if the macs were superior, which obviously they are not, I still wouldn’t buy one. With that being said, a buddy of mine knows a mac owner. I know…its a stretch. (just goes to show you that not many people want to spend $2500 just to be trendy, when they can get a better pc for $1200. I got a dell laptop with a 2.2ghz t7500, 2 gb ddr2 667, 160gb 7200rpm hd, 8600m gt, w/ vista ultimate 64 bit and will play games better than your mac, I promise) BUT ANYWAY, the mac started getting problems with it, so he took it to a mac repair guy. Now when I heard that my first reaction was “WHAT? THERE IS SUCH A PLACE? HOW CAN YOU FIX PERFECTION!?” The guy took a look at the laptop, and with the expression on his face, you would have thought the world was coming to an end. Needless to say he couldn’t fix it. Thats all the details I got on it tho, Ill ask him exactly what the issue was later, but its just hilarious to me. It made my day…my week…my month.

Now it might be a pain to have to take your computer to somebody to get it fixed, and pay them a few bucks. But when you figure just how much more $ a mac costs, as opposed to a comparable specs laptop/pc, its just a joke. Id rather spend $1000+ less, to have to tinker with it once and awhile. And really, if you get problems with your computer, you obviously just have poor internet surfing habits, or fucked something up with a driver (which are easy to install). If your old PC had hardware trouble, that has nothing at all to do with it being a pc. Macs run off the same hardware, just a different OS.

I agree that everybody has their own opinion, bla bla bla, might prefer apple over pc. Thats fine. Some people dont want to tinker, and just wish they were cool like those dancing ipod users on the commercials. But to say the mac is better? psh…

lol you are so angry-gay.

I think what you are missing is that the Mac is superior as far as security goes, its not perfect, and has vulnerabilities, but it is better.

besides, what do you know about Operating Systems that makes you qualified to make a statement like that?

How is it superior? because less people currently try to attack it?

There were a bunch of privilege escalation bugs for it…along with their firewall being fucked(…

Here is some more stuff

Obviously if your attacking computers and trying to spread a trojan or malware you would go for what there is more of on the internet.

I think you are confusing your words…

The same thing you know about operating systems that makes you qualified to say that. It might be more secure FOR NOW, but Microsoft actually has experience with this kind of stuff. Theyve been fighting the BS since windows 95 for christ sake.

in addition, you also need the people to have the proper ability to write malicious script, viruses, condoms, malware and what not.

I don’t know if I can personally say that Mac OS is or isn’t superior to windows. It just isn’t as most people perceive it.

two words:

angry, gay.


fucking, nerds.