Bought a macbook pro... suggestions?

I think boardjnky is an Epic fail and should kill himself


Hey check this out…

Enable auto updates and run Firefox…there now your windows box is secure against 98% of issues.


i think all you homo’s should get together and have an operating system competition.

bring some razor blades, measure it by the last one left alive loses, it will be doing the world a service.

edit: by the way, posting this from safari… GOD IT LOOKS SO FUCKING GOOD. it also makes jokes for me, thats how fucking awesome it is.

you seem to know quite a bit about OSs. I assume that you are a sys admin. If you don’t know the reasons why UNIX based systems are inherintely superior then I would suggest reading a book on Operating Systems.

I did not say that it isnt vulnerable. Its architecture(more or less the same as most unix based) is just a more secure platform then what Windows currently has.

you have a degree in Computer Science?






kill urself

I agree with MAC being easier to keep clean…NOW.

My friend’s brother has had laptops for years and every PC he’s had was compromised within a month or 2 of purchase/reformatting. He got a MAC and has had zero problems since.

and he looks at a ton of porn and downloads a ton of junk.

I’m sure it’ll all change in the next couple years.

UNIX based operating systems are more secure?

Maybe in the past 4-5 years? If that…

Before that it was OPEN SEASON on your inherintely superior OS…REMOTE ROOT EXPLOITS were popping up once a month.

You understand what that is right? Some jerk off could compile some unix exploit and use it and gain TOTAL control over the entire system.

And you know what UNIX systems support? DNS servers for huge isps…Web servers for huge isps…Mail servers for huge ISPs…

How many remote exploits do you see for MS?

Don’t think I am just bashing Macs because I hate them…My next laptop is going to be a Mac…I am bashing your stupid fucking comments.

God thank you. Finally someone else with a brain in this thread

no i dont know what a remote root exploit is…im not fucking stupid

ms windows was not originally built for remote access, unix machines were/are

my comments are not stupid and your article backed them up

You want a list of local root exploits?? for Linux? :lol:

srsly, razor blades, everyone in this thread needs to use em.

im not talkin’ about shavin’ either.

remember, down the road, not across the street.

Tom I will kick your bitch ass all the way back to long island

P.S. hope to c ya some day :slight_smile:


you are seriously misunderstanding me man, did I say somewhere that its impossible to hack unix machines and exploit them? cause i dont think i did. all i said is that the they are BETTER then windows as far as security goes. I seriously don’t see why you are sitting here explaining to me what vulnerabilities there are, I know there are vulnerabilities…

I am pretty much done here, you are obviously extremely ignorant and do not want to actually listen to what I am saying. ILC too.

Even your own article that you posted stated EXACTLY what I stated in this thread.

You were just saying how much more security minded UNIX based OSs are…Seems there sure are a TON of exploits…

I think it is more security minded then Windows architecture… I seriously cannot even beleive that you are arguing that either.

I don’t see it being any more security minded then Vista…

I see more people targeting Windows because something like 90% of the system on the internet are running it…and of those users a large percentage are still running Windows 2000…Windows XP preSP2…

Giving people a false sense of security because they bought a computer then runs MacOSX is lame…