Bov cold side vs hot side

I just wanted to get some opinions on the benefits of having a bov on the cold side or on the hot side… tried searching elsewhere but no luck so here it goes. Please choose a side and state a reason why.

hot side…if u put it on the cold side ur motor will blow up into 18 pieces…
this has been talkd about before a many of times

^ Really could’nt find a thread

Hot side… putting it on the cold side will make the BOV freeze/seize eventually due to cold air being released. This is especially true if you have a front mount intercooler. (The air on the cold side will be very cold)

put it on your exhaust, near the tip.

Really this is a age old question. works both ways…even tho i like keeping mine close to the turbo

I’d find the old thread and resurrect it. It’s been covered before and these clowns decide to be a little sarcastic at your expense.