BOV problems

i have a redtop sr20 and im using a greddy bov (not sure thos bought it with the car). Here is the thing tho im hearing that some B.O.V’s dont work well with some motors so i need to know if this is true and if so, what do u guys recomend? I need one asap.

What are u guys using?? I have heard hks is really good

Non recirculated BOVs (ie atmosphere) can cause stumbles with MAF equipped cars. Most of the time a bit of adjustment can take care of it. If you run it too soft (blows off all the time) you’ll notice when decelerating sometimes the idle will drop or the motor will stumble.

Recirculated BOVs won’t have this problem, but they won’t have the loud PSSHHH sound.

Are you noticing any problems…?

imo the HKS ssqv works better on decel than greddy models in vent-to-atmosphere cases.

your Greddy BOV should be fine, I along with lots of other have Greddy Typr s/r/rs and no problems at all

your greddy BOV may be a knock off…

yeah, make sure your BOV sounds how it’s suppose too.

not sure about the type r, but the s is a very high pitched knife edge sound, the RS is a WOOOOSH sound.

if you’re hearing something that sounds like a turkey or a fluttering, then your BOV is crap.

one way of checking if it’s a knock off or not is that on the body of the BOV (close to the flange) you will see a small plate piece sticking out, if it’s a reall greddy it will have ‘greddy’ etched into it, if it’s a knock off, it’ll just be blank.

in that case, you need to get a properly working BOV, and if you go HKS, remember, you’ll have to buy an HKS flange and have someone weld it on.

but then again, I’ve heard with a little hacking that the hks/greddy flanges can interchangeable.

i dont really hear my bov tho, thats the thing. My mechanic said its ok but all i hear is the turbo when i let off.

yeah i have the same problem when i let go of the throttle. The car will sometimes stall. I have the greddy bov but not sure if its the rs or r but it’s adjustable. The problem is i don’t hear it at all so i don’t think it’s set to soft… What could have cause this problem?

BOV’s need to be tuned…

so should i adjust it to soft or make it harder?

depends on what vaccumm your engine is pulling…

ok lets give a little example

at Idle 20LBS Vac, Deacell 22-24LBS Vac and 8-12LBS boost.

average greddy valve

you have to get a handheld vaccum pump…attach the hose and see what the BOV is cracking open at…

then make sure you adjust it using the vaccum gauge that it is opening only at the correct vaccum…

on my type -s i had to even remove a spring to adjust it correctly…


FYI…mine is recirculating, i would not use a dump type in a MAF system (as i dont care about noises ect…)…and make sure the recirculating is after the MAFS…cause that air is already metered for

I thought there was only 1 spring in the Type-S, hahaha maybe I jsut forgot, I leave mine quite loose (Soft)

pretty sure there is 2…or I cut off some coils…so long ago i cant remember now

Haha ya really, I think the Type S is 1 long spring and then r/RS are 2.

eather way soften it up or you are going to get some compressor surge.

hey adam do you get a little whine after your BOV closes? i have herd a few type-S guys have this problems

cant really hear it at all really…

i had my greddy type S apart and there were two springs in it

maybe I am just smoking crack, dam I had the thinkg apart like 3 months ago, you think I would remember. Meh o well