brake pads for street and light track use?

can anyone recommend a set of pads with a good balance between street use and track use. i want pads that i can get a few laps out of before they fade but dont want to drive down my street and not be able to stop because the pads arent warmed up enough. oh yea im using r32 brakes up front and stock rear. thanks

RS4- Porterfeild, available @

I love them, NO FADE. Get stronger the more you need them…

I’m happy with my Metal Masters/AXXIS pads.

hawk HP+ are pretty good unless you’re pushing tons of grip downforce and power

there are a lot of pads on the market for what you’re looking for, it all depends how aggressive you want to go.

ultimitly though brake fade has a lot to do with other variables like fluid type and quality (how much water is in the lines), caliper and rotor size, ducting to the brakes helps out a ton etc.

so its not always pads that are the problem

KVR’s seem to work nicely for weekend warriors.

yeah get the KVR ones from PDM, i did 5 track days on them so far and they havent worn down half way yet, they need some time to brake in, but once they do, its a bit stiff on the pedal but u get more control and they wont smoke up and fade on ya.

what are these pads like on the street? do they need lots of warm up time? right now im thinking the hp+ look like a happy medium. and thanks for bringing up fluid. i’d also like to ask what type of fluid you guys use. thanks

HP+ are nice but are loud, agressive on the rotor and if you dont like
brake dust then these arent the pad for you. I have them and would
run nothing but the dust and squeeling does get quite annoying.
Hawk HPS Pads are best for street use with some track.

I think they were called Green Stuff. Apparently an excellent choice for the daily street/odd track day warriors.

High temps not needed to get good stopping power, great heat disapation for aiding against brake fade and low dust material.

I can’t say from personal experience but that’s what I’ve read and I’m gona give them a try on my next pad replacement.

these are quiet, like high temps but seem to work well (and heat up quick) for cooler temps. 1 year little wear and the rotors seem fine.

the KVR pads I’ve used. I found them good, but wear quickly for my heavy braking… unevenly insides faster than outsides (Bing also confirmed this), I don’t like changing pads…

Personnally I’d buy RS4 again,

all these pads mentioned are described;

HP+ are nice but are loud, agressive on the rotor and if you dont like
brake dust then these arent the pad for you. I have them and would
run nothing but the dust and squeeling does get quite annoying.
Hawk HPS Pads are best for street use with some track.[/quote]

i never noticed any noise with my HP+'s

HPS will fade too much on the track imo.

dust is a byproduct of pretty much any good pad you go with unfortunatly, the only pads i can think of that dont have this problem are very very $$$

Bruce is right, low dust, and great power, suprisingly lasts a good amount of time for somewhat track pads…These pads are good and cheap.
Alex come see me at my work…I can get EBC greens for $80…
Ive used them, hell made an improvement even on oem braking.


I’ve always liked the PBR/AXXIS Metal or metal/ceramic/organic pads.

They’re cheap, don’t fade, don’t need much heat at all and don’t make noise.

I had project mUs and they needed about the equivalent of the surface of the sun in heat to get grabby, god help you if you got them wet. But when they grabbed, they grabbed like crazy.

green stuff = dust storm in your wheels, crap ass pads and soft to, not for anything more then street driving… there is a red and black levle from’ green stuff for hotter running applications… althouhg they are still a dust storm… ik!

Hawk HP+ are the sport racing pads… if you find they aren’t enough and you like new rotors… then you can go to the blue or black pads from hawk. The blue and black are not for street use, unless you sit on your brakes 90% of the time and keep em nice and toasty.

Project Mu Titans are on the same levels as the HP+ but cost allot more… almost double, same goes for the Endless CC-X… the CC-R is at the same level as the Hawk Blue. Interstingly , Endless now has a drift specific pad out… NA-D…

HP+ is the way to go in my opinion. I’ve run the metal master/axxis pads, they are ok but don’t offer the same braking potential as the HP+. If you plan on the car being a weekend tracker and daily during the week, HP+ is best choice.

I haven’t had any experience with the KVR pads, but have heard nothing but good about those. The only problem I see with alesserfate’s KVR’s is he will be replacing rotors quite often hehe.

Oh and if your arnt getting fade on the track with 300z’s, turn up the boost and go faster and deeper :lol:


it really depends on how hard you are driving and how fast your car is…

if you are slow… you can get away with metal masters
if you are mildly slow you can get away with …hawke hp’s
if you are kinda going quick… you can get away with hawke blues/carbotech panthers
if you are smoking fast…you can get away with hawke ht-10’s

it really all depends how hard you are working the brakes…

in my NA car metal masters are fine…

in my turbo car HT-10’s only work barely

good point. next season i will be running an s15 turbo and 16 psi. im gonna guess that falls under your “mildly slow” category?

^^^ With a Set of R’s and Practice you can make it into the “kinda going quick” catagory.

I was also wondering what brake fluid people usually use ?

I’ll be swapping my 300zx front brakes in the spring and I wanna get everything ready…

I’ll grab a set of Hawk HPS pads as well (since my car will be street driven 90% of the time).