
Hey guys, i just finished changing all rotors and pads on my 240 and yet the grinding in the back has gotten quieter but has not disapeared. calipers, piston ? need some educated answers.

well, if it’s not your brakes… it could be a wheel bearing.

does the noise change or get louder when you corner?

Does it change or get louder when you brake?

When your car is jacked up, do your rear rotors spin freely, if so, do they rub on anything?

Your sliders could be seized… do they move freely when the caliper is apart?

Post more information on the details of the sounds, when it’s there, when it’s worst…is it side specific or coming from both sides?

I think just the rear right and it stop griding when i give some gas, could i have a leak?

how did the old rear right rotor look campared to the left rear, after being changed?? do u feel a vibration when stopping ?? im thinking the caliper is seized because of it being a grinding noise, wheel bearings are more of a humming sound and gets louder the faster you go