My car is making this horrible grinding/bumping noise when i reverse…its usally worse if i am reversing off a hill.
Any ideas what the hell is wrong with her?
i have the same noise…whenever i reverese i coast really slow, or when i apply the brakes slightly in reverse. I believe it has something to do with my brakes, cause i just got them serviced. Bran new pads and rotors Did u recently get ur brakes serviced?
Be more specific when asking a tech question.
Is the noise coming from where?
- engine
- tranny
- diff
- front end (brakes/wheels)
- rear end (brakes/wheels)
Did this noise start before or after your little fender bender.
Be more specific?
Must i remind everyone that i am a chick!!!
ok its coming mostly (i think) from the rear…primarily the passengers side.
same prob as me…does it sound like sumthing is scrapping along the ground?
I had the exact same problem when backing into my driveway. It turned out, for me anyways, that it was the rear brakes. The shims that hold the brakes in place needed to be replaced, along with my quickly fading pads. As I reversed, the pads were vibrating.
What year is your car? When researching my dilemma on FA ppl noted that VLSD’s sometimes make a noise, indicating they need an oil change.
I was thinking it had something to do with my breaks too…
My emergency break light is coming on too…
Should i still drive it?
My dads away in Ottawa and i cant get it fixed till he comes home.
If you drive it for 10min and the rear rotors dont turn purple and the wheel is cool to the touch then your cool. Just sound like to me a bad shim, and could possibly be the berings/cv joint. Whut year and how many k’s on the car?
the only time I’ve seen a E-brake light on is when the brake fluid resevoir was empty (or close to it). If you have no idea where to fill the brake fluid (use DOT 3 fluid only), refer to your owners manual. If you don’t have a manual, its on the top drivers side of the engine bay, when facing it.
IMy car would “Clunk” into reverse also, I had my tranny fushed with redline synthetic and Lucas treatment, and it helped a little. Try shifting into 1st, then reverse, if you don’t already.
its a 93 with 111 000km’s
How would i know if these things are purple? where are they?
jesus i need to marry a mechanic!!!
u probably just need to service ur brakes, mine do that going forward and backward right now if ur gonna have to replace ur pads it may be a good idea to replace ur rotors to unless they are really good. And the rotors are that silver plate looking thing u see whne u look into the wheel… although i dont know what wheels u have if they have any spaces in them just look through there, ull see it, it will be about 3/4 of a cm thick disk.