Brampton meets


hey is anyone wanting to meet? i dont have a 240 yet but im completely down to come check some out. im at dixie and queen well technically dixie howden. if anyone has bbm inbox me and i will add you

No, I’d say the 270r wing and Lmgt4’s would be the giveaways… is this always on a Tuesday??? gf isn’t staying in Brampton anymore cause we’re both at Ryerson… but if i happen to be around at the usual time of the meet I’d spin by… ALSO i do drive down cotrelle ALOT (have to drive that road to get to her house)… so maybe you mistook the eyelids?

who wants to pick me up im at dixie and queen i’ll pay for gas

hey who would be down for a car meet @ mclaughlin bovaird timies this week??? maybe thurs, fri or sat??
one last meet b4 snow gets here :smiley:

im down for friday or saturday, im off work friday at 530pm and i dont work weekends. i go to mcglaughlin and bovaird all the time. maybe some of you have seen me and my friends in a turbo ford escort wagon.

realy no other takers?

cars stored bud, otherwise i would be down

I’m down to go out and meet people, I finally found a 240 (2 weeks at most before I store it of course…) but if anyone else is still down to meet up one night I’d be down for that.

yah i’ll c how thurs or friday night goes

as long as theres no snow im down coming from hamilton

anyone ready to shoot the shit about how slow their car is?

When you guys planning on holding down a meet? I’d bring my s14 out, but still shopping for wheels, since my fronts are oval.

were and when is this meet happening, i may pass by, havent been to one in years!! with da old crew, happy240, s142nv, foobwall, dirtydevo, pants, gonad, varun lol!! back in da day shit some of u guys aint even kno!!

do it up yoo, jus put insurance back on the 240 this month

I’m down to meet up, starting May.

However, unlike last year, we need one night of the week, preferably weekend for most people, to meet up. And a non heat spot.

im down and i have like 2 other friends that will reach too but one of them works till 10 on week nights

who else is down? I know there is a fair bit of 240’s in my area. Some are actually nice ones. ahah

Im down for this, just give me a time and date preferably starting in May though…

Brampton Meats is that deli over on Queen St. East