I m a vegetarian.
I m a vegetarian.
You guys still doing meets in brampton??
I’ve been trying to get the ball rolling, and have atleast one legitimate meet in May. However, no one is really chiming in or replying. So meh, maybe i’ll just go to richmond hill meets when im bored.
set up a meet. Do something like every last thursday of the month. find a spot tho.
whose down this week? where we meeting up again?
I’m down preferably the weekend but any other day is good for me
lets keep it the way we had it every other tuesday @ ebenezer/hwy50 @ 9pm starting next week…who else is down
i got my cma exam coming up mid june. after that im down.
So this tuesday coming up, hwy50 and ebenezer, what time?
It is at 9:00 pm
I’m in.
what time you guys planning on chylling till?
two hours with like 5 cars damn that might get boring after a while. But im down ill just study some other day.
Me and Gyani are still down. is everyone else still coming?
Ya were here at the moment
amazing turn out, over 15 cars showed up…thanks to the people that showed up and supported the brampton meet…will keep you posted for next meet
i failed to come, next week tho. should have my car driving again, damn clutch
that was an awesome turnout, we should do this again.