Bridgeville Roller Hockey

D league. Pretty competitive. Check your PM’s. Best way to get me is txt msg.

i may play a game :slight_smile:

STFU…I thought you were too good for roller…fag :finger:

lol chad too good.

how’s that goalie stick dan?

Bics - why dont you come out and play or dont your skates come out of your garage either?? :finger:

fucker… thats a 80 dollar stick you broke tuesday night.


I’ll play…can’t say I will be too impressive…have not played in like 2 years.

i cant play a few games here and there. but if i get back to my 4-5 games a week, the wife wont be amused

:rofl: I’ve heard that before. Will you and Dan play nice if you play together? hahaha


RMU is alot closer than bridgeville for me so im a little more motivated.

Ive got nothing against Dan, i like scoring on him :smiley:


hahaha, you scored one goal on me tuesday night out of ten shots you had on me… and the goal you scored on me was because you broke my stick and all I had to use was a right handed wood players stick lol.


My cousin is also interested. He has a couple years experience playing ice hockey. Good goal scorer and skater. We will be in touch. I also e-mailed the heads at Bridgeville to find out about when they open and when leagues start.

I always play at bill’s golf land. I only play spring / Summer League.

Any news on this I know games Start November 10

I’ve been in touch with a few people who are still without a team and they posted up on the classifieds of the website… They can get enough people but would need a goalie.

Where the fuck is burnyd when we need him?

I skated for a while up at Kennedy to shake off the rust a little.

My team didnt get their crap together so Im without a team til they all get back together

Anyone wana play at all …still lookin to play

Bridgeville raised their prices to 900/team. That is fucking retarded.

The deck there isn’t nearly as nice as RMU’s. It’s a lot nicer than it used to be, but not nearly as nice.

There is absolutely no rescheduling at Bridgeville. None. If you want to reschedule a game 2 months in advance, no luck.

The only thing that sucks about RMU is you fuckin freeze in the winter out there. Bridgeville has heat.

I think my team is going to go back to RMU soon. A nicer deck, better officials, easy rescheduling, and just an overall better experience there for only 45 dollars more a season.

Bridgeville is going to price themselves out of a lot of teams by going up to 900. They can’t compete with a place like RMU.