QC has much much cheaper insurance in large part due to the government taking on the bodily injury exposure… above a certain point in QC the insurance comapny isnt on the hook for it, the govt takes it. I may be slightly off on this but its something like that.
the B/I costs are the reason why Ontario insurers are raising their rates in Ontario… In fact, many insurers are raising rates by 18%+ and some are even dropping entire books of business in specific markets with higher rates of B/I fraud… ie. brampton
if you are just a student and still a citizen of QC then it would be perfectly legit for you to keep your insurance in QC. Just tell your insurance company that you are going to school for 6 months out of the year in Barrie.
^ Truth, it’s funny too Quebec’s already cheap insurance went down another 10% last quarter according to Kinetix… Ontario is going up up and up.
Toronto has the highest overall insurance rate in ALL of Canada, BC and Ontario is supposedly the highest rates. Barrie would be alot lower than Toronto. Barrie compared to anywhere in Quebec your looking at a massive increase in rates.