sounds like your in trouble… need help???
Your courses include Automotive Tech, Automotive Industry, Automotive accounting, Automotive selling, Automotive networking. This is along side math, accounting, micro computer and more. It is rather automotive focused and I love it.
You won’t find any “dirt” cheap place simply because everyone knows it is a hot spot due to the big college. You got time but you might miss registration for this upcoming year, which starts in September.
I was once quoted 700 as the lowest rate by an insurance broker for liability only. I’d have to sell my first, 2nd, 3rd…I’d have to impregnate and sell babies for the next 10 years to afford full coverage in this damn province. If I was God I’d take a big diarrea shit all over Ontario. In a year and a quarter insurance will cost me more than what I paid for my car-liability only. God forbid I actually report all of my mods and have my investment properly insured. I would not see s rate below 1500-2000 a month in this province if I did. I can’t get full coverag on a “bone stock” S14 for under 600 a month.
You know why BC is the 2nd most expensive? Because if you add up the monthly rates of every province except Ontario it will sti be cheaper than clarkpark’s! When I was in Nova Scotia Everyone paid 45 a month insurance. Alberta is like 60, etc. BC is more expensive than 45 and 60, but nowhere even close to Onterrible. Still way cheaper.
Yeah its bad but not as bad as Europe. In Ireland they go by displacement and my cousin drives a little 600cc car around because of it… even then i heard its nuts!
600cc’s!!! :ky:
Georgian College is a very good school when it comes to automotive programs. I took automotive engineering there and they go deep into the subject and teach you absolutely everything. You do a hell of a lot of theory work and also get a lot of hands on experience.
You can also find a lot of houses approx 5 min away from the school that will rent you a room and the garage for about 500$-600$. Most of these houses are owned my some old lady and they dont drive. The house I stayed at I paid 550$ and the lady let me park my car in the garage and she kept her car outside.
But when it comes to car insurance you’re gonna get screwed. There no way you’ll pay 40$ here. you’re lookin at minimum 150ish if you’re lucky.
I am currently in 3rd year in that program, doing my last semester. I’m in the automotive lounge at the college as we speak. I highly recommend the program, I have a passion for the industry, but most importantly I have a love and passion for vehicles. If you sincerely share that same passion, take this course. I currently pay $425 per month to rent a room in a house beside the college. If you want some info or have any questions, feel free to p.m me, I’m more then happy to help you.