Buffalo Bills 2007 Season Discussion

Did anyone really think the Bills weren’t gonna find a way to lose it?

They should have fucking buried them. Romo turns the ball over 6 times, and we score 22 points.


holy shit I think my head just exploded

L O fucking L.
everyone knew that was gonna happen
go chargers :slight_smile:




Come on guys… our offense generated 3pts. They didn’t deserve to win.

I’ve been waiting a while since I made this, and now its time…


How does THAT taste Bills fan?!


Talk about heartbreak.


fuck our offensive coordinator for calling a pass play when all we needed was a fucking field goal to win! Seriously fire that fucking asshole! I am no longer watching the bills. Five interceptions and still lose. WOW the Bills suck at life. I would hang myself if i was the bills coach! Fucking assholes


dude don’t be so hard they fuckin rocked tonight i have alot of respect now for this team, more then i have had before they played their hearts out and yes they deserved to win

FUCK!!! i stayed up all night so i could watch this game. Fuck fuck fuck. Its like 6am here i missed pout on sleep for this shit.


well if the yanks lost then buffalo HAS to follow suit!! its NYS LAW!!


DEFINETLY!! quoted for truth tonight!!

From a Giants fan - FUCK YOU BUFFALO!

wow what just happened?

Well there you have it. The Cowboys wanted to lose a little bit less than the Bills did. Both sides played like shit.



Well there you have it. The Cowboys wanted to lose a little bit less than the Bills did. Both sides played like shit.


:gtfo: both teams played amazing tonight!! this game had everyone at the edge of their seats all game long

2 teams that can do that played fucking amazing

can we stop 1 fucking pass play in the last 20 seconds?

id hate to be a bills fan, oh well ill still get my 40 bucks from the pool!

Im to depressed to sleep.

Anyone want to come out to Clifton Park and get (more) drunk