Buffalo Bills 2007 Season Discussion

i was right :tup:
go chargers

Is it possible that NE may lose a game then?

go dolphins… NEXT!!@!#@^*&

:lol: @ Rick and the shit talking when his team is 3-10. :lol:

Seriously, if you’re going to talk about bad play calling you might want to pick up Sunday Ticket and watch the Jets games each week.

AHAAHHA Baltimore. You are that team.

I know its nice to win a game after losing 13 straight but if you didn’t know a damn thing about their season you would think that Miami just won a superbowl by the way they are celebrating. Owner was crying, coach just about crying, players going nuts. Pretty funny.

i am a miami fan, and i was laughing at this hahaha

man if baltimore would have held on against NE and then blown it to miami they would have been just ruining history this year


btw, did you find it amusing that it was Lemon throwing the winning pass to Camarillo too? :slight_smile:

indeed. cam has all the guys that couldn’t hack it in SD out there on his offense…chatman and peelle too

yep haha i wanna say theres a lineman or 2 over there as well… all the guys he got familiar with in those preseason games that ended up getting cut :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe they can sign an agreement to be our AAA squad next year

just a question… how come they ran the clock still when josh reed was about 5-10 yards out of bounds on that pass… thats bullshit we lost like 15sec

Jets sucked this year, that’s nothing new. They overachieved last year, no one expected them to do anything.

NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! :mad:

yeah that was bull shit…horrible call to keep the clock running

The plane the team was supposed to take back this morning got stuck at the end of the runway. They have to bus home now. Talk about salt in the wound!

At least they were not on the plane when it got stuck I guess :gotme:

according to what I heard…

he took a step backwards to go out of bounds…supposedly if this occurs the clock still runs.

As I saw it though he was hit and pushed out of bounds.

but that was the least of the Bills worries…#1 would be play calling…holy crapsicles.

he took a step… r u kidding me… BULLSHIT… HE WAS PUSHED and oh ya a screen pass… great call to end the season… but my favorite was the draw play on 3rd and 8

yea thats how i’ve always understood it as well…if your going out of bounds as your stepping back towards the line of scrimmage, the clock runs.

Remember Trent Edwards is the future of the bills…

Didn’t care for that clock still going thing… but at least we went out on downs instead of being out of time…

I think we would have won that game if some turn overs happened… I guess it was just bad luck… I really Hate having to rely on turnovers to win…

Solid Offense to win, turnovers for Blowouts please…