Buffalo Bills 2007 Season Discussion

wow even yahoo sports realized how dumb fairchild is… this is take from yahoo sports 32 questions on nfl teams

  1. Buffalo Bills: On fourth-and-goal from the 10-yard line, is it a wise decision to throw underneath?

I usually hate the Bills, but I’ll be at the game and their biggest fan this week. I’m a Redskins fan, so if they can beat down the Giants then I’ll love them forever. If the Giants lose this week, they’ve got the patriots next week which means they might be out of the Wildcard, and if the skins win, they can get in.

^^ vikes will be a wildcard for sure.

ah yes… windy and rain for sundays game… if anybody saw what eli did last week in wind… this should be a good game for the bills

Yeah, but then again have you seen what Eli has done all season?:lol:

anyone know if the game is streaming online? Audio or video please


so is anyone still on the JP wagon?


what a crap game. We sat outside and got pissed on in more than one way. They were better than most expected this year and should make the playoffs next year.

hell no

didnt everyone predict 8-8 :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t believe how they ran all over us. You would think they would start to run blitz the ever-living shit out of the Giants after awhile and make them throw the ball. They never did though. No way your gonna win a game where the other teams running backs are both averaging more than 5 yards a carry.

I was a 9-7

My hopes were dashed today :frowning:

i predicted around .500 on the year so i was close heh.


Doesn’t look that way right now. Big Bad Adrian Peterson got raped today.

I had fun at the game today. :shrug:

fuck that man… I suffered at the game…

I was hoping for a win but at the same time I didn’t want OT… then they just comepletely fucked it up so I went home with 6minutes to spare…

Thank you rush defense for not letting me get hypothermia

JP bandwagon no…
Trent Edwards bandwagon HELL NO! Unless he devolops that arm this off season they need to shop around again.

so is there any official word on how many dropped passes? cause it seemed like ALOT