Buffalo coffee shops...

come on and reply people.

I didn’t take this ginko biloba for nothing.


HAHHAHAH, you a lie.



Dude, ive had booze and havent for a long time, so what the hell., use english with me please. Tucker Max is friggin god. worship him.

HAHAH, way over your head sorry. Good times.


hahaha JDMSIR is a closet feg.



come on and reply people.

I didn’t take this ginko biloba for nothing.


I am a closet " FEG", Sorry im not the one taking Ginko Biloba to read books at a gay hangout.

omg i’m hurt. :frowning:


omg i’m hurt. :frowning:



Oh and I wasn’t reading R.L. Stine Fearstreet.

I am reading:


keep it clean boys
corey hit me up next time free interwebs there :slight_smile:


Well, maybe I need to be FightinCorey and fend emos off with my thermo book!


There’s your problem, you need a bigger book, something like calculus for engineers or numerical analysis.

There is a sweet coffee shop down the street from my house. Clarence Center Coffee Co. real nice, quiet, atmosphere.

your profile used to say you lived in NT.

how weird.

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Ok, so where are the good coffee shops…or are they completely non-existent? What about Higher Grounds on Sheridan, I’ve passed by a few times but thats about it.