What are some good coffee shops downtown if any at all? or surrounding areas?
coffee shops are for faggots…go to normal bars like the rest of us
Spot Coffee on Elmwood
Underage…Was asking for a friend. I dont even drink coffee.
spot is good
spot is scene. their coffee is mediocre at best. their lunches are pretty good though. here and there, taste in east aurora will have a good brew.
are you looking for a place with actually good coffee or are you looking for somewhere to go where you can get a vanilla latte and sit outside and talk about death cab for cutie and where to go for sushi?
lol at the karma this post got me.
Take your brothers ID.
Oh yeah, and find some new friends that are not such pussies
I would if his picture looked anything like me. And it was for a girl who is into coffee so i figured i would ask since i see a bunch of coffee related posts here. Basically I lost a bet now I owe her coffee so I was just trying to find a good place she would like.
I’m not into coffee so odds are i wouldn’t get anything. The chick i was asking for is really into it, but i have no clue what she likes. Basically just looking for a place that tastes good and is a good place to go i guess.
3rd base?
post pics of her and i’ll tell you some better places to go.
^^ and i already gave you karma for the other comment.
Ok guys getting off topic here. Cant say I didnt see this coming haha. Seriously though what are some good all round places.
Shes 17…Can’t do it. Haha.