Buffalo Marathon - May 24th


hahahahahahahahah bro that is the worst!


things I never thought Id hear a guy say for $100 Alex.

This girl I work with is going to do it. She will smoke all of you boys. (Ok, I really don’t know if she will, but she’s good). I will post her time when I see her. She is going to do the Boston marathon too, and she is using this to qualify iirc.

ugh, it was today bro.

Oh and bro you beat my dad!!! He did 2:09 Thats pretty good dude he is a veteran runner. f I was there he would have smoked you though he always runs better will me calling him a pussy the entire way.

I was “there” kinda spur of the moment, I never did sign up for it but i went and ran the first 5 miles with 2 friends of mine then just met them at the finish lol i felt kinda guilty about it but i got over it :stuck_out_tongue: my friend ran a personal best of 1:51

I felt like a pussy driving home seeing all the 60+ guys running the full…