Buffalo News trying to publish pistol permit holders

All this arguing and they aren’t even going to publish them. Half of you need to step down off of your soapbox and relax.

Welcome to Freedom Loving Pennsylvania! New York’s less sophisticated southern cousin…bring your fireworks, nunchucks and 30 round magazines!

Bored after you reached the pinnacle of your career?

I have actually switched careers and I’m in school for a weeks getting licensed…so, yes I guess you could say I’m bored…

And false teeth.

---------- Post added at 07:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:38 PM ----------

Good luck with cosmetology school.

Regardless of their reason it was stopped


Good luck with cosmetology school.

Better be careful or I’ll take you up on that free beer offer…

Free beer…tomorrow. :slight_smile:

My beer thing went off.

The reason they might not want to do it on a case by case basis is that the county has up to 60 days to comply with the request. That’s not terribly helpful if you’re trying to get a story out in the next mornings edition.

I don’t think I’ve seen a gun related story where the police didn’t provide information about the gun being registered or not. Still calling BS on the Buffalo New and their “we just want it for data” excuse. The timing of them making the request the day after the downstate paper published the names and addresses of all pistol permit holders is just way too suspicious.

Regardless, the shit storm this kicked up worked because the Erie County Clerk told the Buffalo News to piss off, and that he would exhaust all legal options before releasing the info. Long before that legal fight is over I bet the state steps up and passes a law specifically protecting this information.

I was glad to see what the clerk did, everyone should email him and thank him for that. I did.

Agreed. And since people are lazy…





I’m not going to use one of my 10 free articles up just so I can find out where to steal a gun from.

Lmao, poz!

Lol…Nice. On a serious note though, just hit escape while the article is loading. Completely defeats their paid content model.

what if you just clear the cache/cookies.

just use your browser’s porn/private mode and you’ll be good forever.

So much easier to just hit ESC. :slight_smile: