Buffalo winter: should I do it?

Just picked up a new car for winter


but once i got it, im re-thinking if I want to put it through winter. its got a little front end damage so I will replace the panels, and the quarter needs to be cleaned up

but it doesnt have any rust. anywhere. not a spec, not a smidgeon.

so while I would wash it like twice a week, etc, I’m thinking it would be dumb. maybe I should pick up a $1k winter beater and store this till spring, and sell it for $5 or 6k to buy either an e30m3 shell or an rb26 for the Z

not driving a beater in the winter > *

buffalo winters really aren’t that bad as long as the car is washed once a week

its not your nice car, its not a collectors item, its not gonna appreciate in value, cars were meant to be driven. Why have 2 cool cars and drive around in a piece of shit for the majority of the year?

I too have this predicament as my '93 SHO is rust free. Just because it’s not a collector car or has a high value doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take care of it. My thoughts: if you can afford a beater, get it and drive it on the shit days and leave the nicer car for when the roads are clear. If I had a few bucks laying around I’d do this…

its what i do, dont eve have to worry about washing the other lol

dont drive it in the winter, sell it to me. i’ll find you a beater.

driving a beater in the winter really isnt that bad. i bitched and maoned all winter about it, but looking back, it really wasnt that bad. sure the particular one i had last winter did have its drawbacks, but it was cheap, and it got me to school, work and a few other places, ALWAYS started right up even when it was like -20 out, and it never broke down. it all depends though, i can see where having one nice car all year would be the best, but, if you like having a nice car for the summer, then its a price you have to pay.

o and i prob wouldnt drive the said BMW in the winter…thats too nice of a car!

Drive it in the winter, wash it twice a week, and then sell it to me in the spring for $5k. Oh, and keep those wheels on it for me. :tup:

I drive all my cars in the winter. Wash 2x a week. No rust


actually these cars are becoming rather desirable in good condition. My buddy was ready to pay 6-7k for a nice one, we spent 6 months looking and no luck. he ended up just getting an e36 for now.

i spent 7k i think on my white one, and got an amazing deal (they’re usually 15-20)

edit: oh and I will most likely be selling it in spring. once it’s in perfect shape I’d hope to get ~6k for it, or trade for an rb26dett

i am very curious how much u paid for that?/ i am looking for a bmw for a winter car id like to pay around 3 grand for it maybe a tid bit more…i dont want it to be a pile cuz i want to keep it and cruise it in the summer as well…

If that’s the case then I would be prepared to spend a bit more bro. (4G’s or more).

how much did taht bmw cost coldaccord? that thing is f*ckin beautiful

if it has no rust, I say don’t do it unless u wash it like other 2-3 days… buffalo winters suck, my s10 had no rust anywhere, first winter, now it was 2 rust whole, 2nd 4-5 holes and the tail gate is rusting on the bottom and thats with atleast one wash a week, flipping rediculious…

driving a car in the winter that is held together by tree wire and duct tape is what buffalo winters are all about lol.

two words.

general. motors.

anyway, I say drive it and drive it hard. If your only plan is to straighten it up and sell it in the very near future, then STILL drive it. If it has no rust on it, then 1 winter season isnt going to do much harm.



^ Fucking Word

Schmitts Rustop > * v.salt.