Convince me...

to not drive the VR4 through the winter.

There are some Blizzacks on .org for sale cheap I’m trying to get, I’ll mount them on the 17" stockers… turn down the boost… and drive the AWD through the snow.

Aside from the leather being cold… why else shouldn’t I drive it through the snow?

Doesn’t anyone else with AWD summer cars feel bad then they invest incredible amounts of money and time into a seasonal, made for all seasons (except mine) sports car? Like the Talon/Eclipse guys?

Obviously my ground effects will hate me, but the paint isn’t perfect… its not horrible at all… but I don’t think 1 winter will kill it. I don’t really want a beater… for what? I spend way too much time driving to settle for something that I’m not happy with.

Changing parts on a rusty car >*


eh…up to you. AT first i was thinking about swapping tires and wheels and driving the ///M in the winter…then i decided to slap myself and find a winter car.

no point in driving it during a buffalo winter…just find a beater to get you through a few months

how’s the underbody look? I’d rather see you kicking around a $500 beater than that thing. :gotme:

was it ever driven in the winter? If not it will definately see some rust even with one under the belt.

leather isnt that bad, i have leather and my ass isnt cold :slight_smile:

Underbody is spotless… and it has never seen a winter.

I could do Delta every week… probably 2x a week… to keep it rinsed nicely…

but for those of you who are familiar with turbos and winter… you probably remember all those times you were in your NA beater… on a long stretch… and you wanted to goose it and tear shit up. We don’t necessarily have a lot of snow, a lot of the time… most of it is just cold shitty days…

I do plan on throwing some more money into it this spring… and working on rusty cars sucks…

Jack - how much would Delta Sonic 2x/week x 20 weeks cost?

Get a fucking beater.

10 bux a week (superkiss, 5 day guarantee w/ underbody wash) @ 20 weeks = 200 bux. Whats 200 bucks? My car will be clean, and salt won’t kill me.

I wash my car in the summer too.

Get a beater, you’ll regret driving it in the snow once you start noticing little rust spots. for $1000 or less you can get a reliable car that’ll last you a while. I paid $1000 for my beretta, lasted 2 years and I sold it for $800 still running perfectly.

i drove my talon through 2 winters and with decent all season tires the thing was a champ. boost was turned down and i took it through car washes depending on how the weather was for that week. your car is nice but it aint no ferrari :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly I say drive it.

PM fastncheap about this rustproofing stuff he used to sell… it was not like undercoating or oily, but you could get it in rattle cans and it was this pinkish looking liquid that would protect everything, without being nasty and oily, or permanent.

The other practice I have gotten into is that before winter, i would try and never-sieze all of the bolts on the underbody of the car (suspension, brakes, exhaust). This shit works wonders, you will never have problems getting bolts off… just make sure you re-torque everything about 3 weeks after doing it, just to make sure nothing loosened on you.

Its AWD yo drive that ish in the winter

vr4’s push slide in the slow…buy a beater

Drive it! Then we can have awd axis snow drift meets :lol: Seriously if you are worried about rust…go undercoat it and wd-40 your bolt heads to reduce corrosion. even a weekly coin wash under carriage spray isnt bad, and it would be mass amounts of fun on those snowy nites where the rest of us fools go sliding around and then get hot cocoa and talk about days gone by

It’s a waste if you don’t drive it.

buy a car to drive it allll the time…

go invest in an really go rustproofing/undercoat job…wash it when u can an u will be fine…my old maxima (now my brothers) was a FL. car i put it in the air…bought some undercoat and coated the shit out of it…i do it every year…i would take it through delta to clean the underbody and after 3 buffalo winters still looks like a FL car except the exhaust but its not stainless…now its prolly the best winter beater in buffalo

Drive it.

its not a gullwing, or some other rare car

drive it, you’d have so much fun with the awd. just get the car undercoated as a precaution and keep it clean like you said and you should be just fine :slight_smile: