Build a track car for cheap?

[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:15,topic:28259"”]

And how many miatas have you raced against on an open track…?


Look, I don’t want this to turn into a pissing match like every other thread where someone disagrees with you and it’s related to motorsports. He asked for opinions and I’m entitled to mine just as much as you are to yours.

To me it sounds like he’s looking for a cheap way to get on a track and race around, not looking for the lowest possible lap time in door to door racing. In my opinion a Mustang is going to be more fun there than a Miata, even if on some tracks the Miata might be just as quick.

Besides that, for all the bashing people do on Mustangs about their handling, they can be made into serious track machines with the right suspension setup.

Perfect example… which do you think would be more fun at a track day. Tina Reaves Miata, or Kurt and Sam’s CP Mustang? Please note I did not say which would be faster, or specify a certain track. I just said which would be more fun.