Building my block

Well my life has been hectic lately, lost my cellphone a month after i paied full price to get another one, lost my job, lost my apartment, lots of other little things didnt help but now that i have gotten back on track im thinking about building my engine…well thats to say a spare engine…

im sticking with a k24 because…well there is no replacement for displacement…

k24a4 block
k24a1 head
stronger rods
A2 oil pump (maybe havent decided yet)
skunk 2 valves
skunk 2 springs
skunk 2 retainers
skunk 2 stage 2 n/a cams (better for boost then there boost cams)
skunk 2 cam gear
metal head gasket
arp head studs

i dont know what kind of pistons to go with other then the cr i want and same goes for the rods. the build will be boosted, and dont yell at me about compression because i have in fact done my homework and im safe with the 11’s. im not going to be boosting the piss out of it just looking for around 350ish.

im in no rush to get this done i have time as will it take time to gather the funds. i just need some recommendations of pistons and rods.

The A2 oil pump is a maybe because im not going to be revving the crap out of the engine so i dont need the range the pump has but it would be some extra insurance…

let me know what you think

Wiseco and CP are top choices for boost applications. They seem to have the best reputations as far as out of the box balancing, initial quality and such. Tons of power has been made with them.

yeah thats what i was thinking about going with im going to try and do as much of this build myself as possible which i think i can accomplish it, sure it will cost more for me to do it (because ill most likely mess something up) but i want the satisfaction that i built the power plant to my egg!! thats why im keeping stock block and not going over, but i might have someone do a little PnP on the head i havent decided though, it flows 300cfm as is

Either one of those pistons would be fine.

As for Rods, Eagle H-beam for low buck medium HP builds would be fine.

Have you looked at Blox or Buddy Club Cams?

no i cant use them, i refuse to switch to conventional 3 lobe vtec, i love my broken vtec (1 exhaust lobe, 2 intake) so im going to have to use skunks cams there cheap build respectable power and there sex?

the reason why i want to keep broken vtec is boost, i want my exhaust dumping all the time to spool that turbo and with this i always have 2 valves working for me on that side and plus all in all parts are cheaper and easyer to come by,
a1 head-150 shipped
a2 head-650 shipped

An oxymoron at it’s finest

you have to love it lol at least its not the stock 2.0

:rofl: Next your going to say it makes torque too right??

actaully beleive it or not it does. lot better than the 2.0 that was in there.

It’s all relative. A 2.4 is a like Honda’s 454 BBC. :smiley:

SI or RSX?

160 wheel torque at 2k rpms tow rated at 1500lbs

so jeff i may need a new exhaust 3’’ with a twin loop muffler for boost, think your up to it?

i decided to cut alot of money out of my build for stuff i dont need, namely springs retainers valves from skunk 2, ill just get some A2 springs and retainers for less then 100bux and they will be more then i need and that will bring my over all cost down…

on another forum someone brought up having the pistons coated with an extra thick ceramic layer to bring the total compression to 11:1 using 10:1 pistons but im not sure doesnt that stuff break down over time?

we had a tsx at work a few days ago and my boss yelled hey at this the same motor you got

i yelled back not thats the big block :smiley:

Your Better off with the 2.0 with boost.

and who cares about stronger rods if your replacing them anyway?

I have some B18C1 springs and retainers (and cams as well) if you need them. I have no use for them now anyway.

Who would you have coat them? I’d be curious to see if you have to smooth them out post-coating. I intend to smooth out my p73’s, to reduce hot spots, per Endyn’s recommendation…

nor do i im rolling a Kseries engine :wink:

for a daily driver i like the 2.4 because of the nice low end, and what do you mean by the rods? i was getting a k24a4 block and crank and putting in new h beam rods and pistons

I misread it.

I am telling you if your going to keep the K24 I really dont see the need in upgrading the head. You cannot get RPMs out of a huge crank

isent the 2.0 86X86? that should yeild plenty of TQ with boost…

Any more then that will be just a traction problem