Bullshit ticket annoying me

find the noise at that certain rpm and take a video and show the speed your going?

That’s a good idea too…

Note: tomorrow if I post up “another fucking ticket” with wreckless driving holding a video camera out the window while driving 45 MPH, I’m gonna be pissed :rofl:

heal toe?

Make sure to ask for the supporting deposition. It just pisses off the cop more so he will be sure to be in court and get his say.

Bend over and take it…

Yes, I can. It’s a manual transmission. Wasn’t the noise though…

bring it to my work i will look at it

He’s a cop, you’re not

thanks for playing

stop being a bitch, pay the ticket and stop doing pulls on side streets

its worked for me twice now

I don’t even go to court anymore. I just hand the tickets to my lawyer and enjoy my clean license. I get more tickets than you can believe and always end up with parking. Get a good lawyer and forget about it.

ull be fine, i just got out of 3 tickets with 2 parking tickets… woohoo!

There isn’t a fair cop in WNY, sad but true, i got arrested and charged with a mis. bec i chirped my tires in lakeview and only got up to 30 in a 40, not even the speed limit, before i started to pull over bec he turned his gumballs on. i was pulled over, car off waiting b4 he even got up to me. i got off bec the cop decided to rip me out of my car and follow 0 precedure and rough me up without even asking for my liscense…still cost me a $500 lawyer but at least my record is still clean

I have thought about becoming a cop just to be that whistle blower of all the other croocked cops that speed, run red lights, run stop signs, dont use blinkers, dont yield the right of way, tailgate and flick their lights on just bec they are too lazy to stop at a red light…

cops ARE the worst drivers on the road


Dumbest thing ever… Cops love when they have to go do this, it’s called easy overtime. They go for 15 min and get paid for 4 hours. Genius idea.


It sucks but it’s lose/lose. Take the reduction and be done with it. most judges know the difference between stupid kids and the rest. They also know which cops tend to be the asshats and generally know when they write a bad ticket.

You can’t be serious. Sounds like another “I had a bad cop experience so now all cops are evil” rant.

“I once walked by a black guy. I pulled out my wallet. He robbed me just because I had a wallet. I didn’t even pull out any money. I was giving him my wallet because he had a knife. He stabbed me even though I did what he said. All black people in WNY suck now because of this one guy who robbed me.”

did you miss my post where I stated this has worked for me twice so far?

sure the cop may come but they do have personal lives, what if court is scheduled when they are on vacation or sick ect ect

it dosent hurt, they still offer pleas and you dont have to go to trial just because you request a deposition

Actually yes. Sure it doesn’t hurt, but more times thatn not it does nothing except make the cops wallet fatter.

It works and doesn’t. On topic just take the plea and be done with it

radar guns are + / - 5mph

also there might be a noise going 60mph in 2nd gear… just a thought …