At first I was like “man these people ruin anything” But then I decided my opinion was the best and naturally decided to share. I will be sure to be offended and tell others that do not agree that they are wrong.
I love when people bash daycare. It’s a great place for kids to learn social skills at a young age. Not to mention they learn (some) things quicker by being around older kids who do it already. Potty training, reading, writing, etc. Do you plan to home school your kids too? You already have someone at home since one parent isn’t allowed to work. Home schooled kids ALWAYS turn out “normal”…
Poverty in America = a pussy 42" LCD, an old 2009 vehicle, a sub 6 figure shante, un-entertaining basic cable etc…
We are so fucking out of touch as a nation it’s insane. It’s like nobody remembers what constitutes a NEED or a WANT these days.
---------- Post added at 09:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 AM ----------
Daycare is another staple of life! Without daycare we would all be anti-social and home schooled red-necks.
I’m not bashing or hating on those that strive for more, don’t get me wrong. If people earn and work for their nice things I’m all for it. But to act like you need a McMansion and all kinds of nice shit to raise a quality kid is moronic. Conceited, money hungry parents typical raise conceited, money hungry kids. I love money, yet I understand money doesn’t dictate your worth as a person.
I agree. My dad had a very good job growing up and my mom was able to stay home with us. I really saw them give up a lot to help their kids with school and stuff. We didn’t have a giant house or luxury cars but still. I couldn’t imagine raising kids with less than $150,000 - $200,000 in Buffalo and if that needs to be dual incomes, so be it.
I have seen kids spend no time in day care and only with grandparents during the day. They have 0 social skills when it comes to interacting with other people and child hood things like sharing. These kids are screwed when it comes to real world like dealing with other kids and bullies.
lol @ the most successful dudes on this board advocating the antithesis of their own lifestyle. “You should all live the way I worked my hands bloody to leave behind!” Shaddup.
Besides, I’d be bored with a woman that had no career ambitions and a good daycare is good for everything from social skills to immune system development.
I NEED to not work past 55 so I can enjoy my life with my wife, kids, and possibly grandkids. A single income isn’t going to put a maximum into my retirement fund with enough money left over to scrape by. I NEED to make sure my family is taken care of in case the worst happens between now and then. I NEED to be comfortable, not living paycheck to paycheck. Those are needs. Time with family isn’t necessarily quality time with family. Just because one parent stays home doesn’t mean they are making the most of it. I can tell you my free time is packed with quality interaction with my family, it’s just a matter of arranging priorities.
I still don’t want kids.
I agree 100% that money can lead to bad things as far as attitude, drive, personality, etc. That’s where values instilled by parents come into play, 1 income/2 incomes/daycare/home schooled independent.
Do you have kids? A lot of views change once you do have them, things you didn’t expect or even know to consider. A have 2 income friends with kids the same age as mine, and 1 income friends with kids the same age as mine. Guess which ones are more well adjusted and interact better? The ones who go to daycare. Guess which ones are on the higher end of the developmental path? The ones who go to daycare. Guess which ones are sick most often? The ones who go to daycare (I hope this pays off when it is time for school…).
My mom stayed home with us kids, while my dad worked probably bringing in <40K after taxes. We bought things we NEEDED, we got new stuff when other shit broke, we didn’t go on vacations, and I didn’t wear the name brand clothes. So it’s definitely possible to raise children with 40k and live decently I guess. That probably eliminates vacations, nice stuff for the home, christmas presents, etc. We were never really poor, we were on food stamps once, but we didn’t live lavishly either.
---------- Post added at 09:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:51 AM ----------
Need to build that immune system…
I’m not judging your choices or lifestyle, I’m simply suggesting you are co-mingling needs and wants. If that motivates you to strive for more and you’re happy with your families quality of life that should be all that matters.
I have to laugh at how people turn EVERYTHING into a dichotomy and most are unable to search for common ground. If you read what I have stated, I’m not suggesting going into poverty just to park a warm body at home as a reasonable solution. Life is about balance and securing the quality of life you desire for you and your family.
THIS. My freedom to do whatever I want, whenever I want and not having to fight inflation as hard has made my mind up for me I think.
Sorry if I was coming off as anti-whatever-you-were-saying, not my intention. Just defending the idea of 2 income families being just fine. I’ve had the same argument at work with people who were die hard women at home kinda guys.
$40K per year wouldn’t cover my auto expenses. LoL
It’s all good, I suspect most of us are just heated that the bus hag will soon be a millionaire with no effort & for simply crying bacon grease. LOL
I’m not like some sexist saying the man must bring home the bacon grease or anything.
No kids for me. I like the freedoms and with the up and down economy and stuff, I just don’t want the responsibility of having to make sure someone is taken care of.
Maybe it is because I have been living the single life for the past 3 years I lost touch with that side of relationships but over all, I enjoy eating when I want, coming home when I want, and spending money on what I want. I also want a girl who is smart and motivated, not one that is determined to get married in X years and have kids.
Not having kids is great, until you’re middle aged and have no other single friends to hang out with. Everyone is doing family-oriented activites, then you’re just the creepy “uncle” that hangs around.
Not wanting kids also makes you sound emotionless, which I would argue probably suggests you having some psychological issues.
I’ll admit that at the moment, I do not want a child, but I do fully expect to have children when I get a little bit older.
With divorce rates the way they are, I figure I will get 1/2 my friends back in the next 10 years.
that’s me
re: daycare, i was simply debating the costs of daycare. I’ll certainly agree that it has its merits as suggested (immune system, socialization) but that isn’t why people put their kids in there… it’s so that mommy can work.
It can be tough being the only one of most my friends without a kid/kids. That said I don’t think I’m viewed as the “creepy” Uncle by any stretch of the imagination. As for “emotionless” I’d prefer to call it SELFISH. I value my time, money and freedom more than any potential benefits of having a kid.
ROFL. Wait, why laugh…it’s pretty accurate.