Bus monitor bullied

^ See same statement.

They are both dead.

I haven’t heard much about it lately but the last thing I heard was that he was still alive. What was the cause of death? Infection?

Alive. http://www.kypost.com/dpps/news/national/ronald-poppo-update-doctors-discuss-treating-zombie-miami-causeway-cannibal-attack-victim_7612279

That’s what I said too…that she was acting like a kid who is being bullied. They should turn her video into a PSA…“if you don’t want to be bullied, don’t act like this old crusty twat”. LOL


If she would have flipped out the video would have been chopped and thrown on youtube with “old lady flips out over nothing”

I never suggested she should have flipped out. I think she should have acted as an adult, performed her job duties and broke the trouble makers up. Work with the bus driver to pull over and shift kids around to break up the momentum the kids were building, simple. It’s a well known phenomenon that influence & power in groups is exponentially stronger than when isolated, so isolate the bastards.

Acting the way she did fueled their insults, I’m not making excuses for the little shitbags as I’ve explained prior. It is what it is…she acted exactly the way a child would act if they were being picked on. I don’t know the background and don’t want to sound heartless but her kid committed suicide per the video…perhaps her kid was bullied to suicide because he/she was taught to be overly passive? I’m just saying acting like a lame duck makes you ripe for being picked on, so celebrating her calm/passive demeanor seems odd to me.

you must be confusing your cannibalistic attacks this poor bastard lived

Thought I read the main course died?


LOL at $40k/year for a family being “comfortable”. This must come from someone living at home with their parents. To me, it sounds like scraping by with no plans for anything big (e.g. wedding, college for kids so they can have a better job than you, health issues, a REAL vacation, etc.) and no plans to ever retire or go a week without a job (the $12/hr jobs are the ones that often get cut in favor of another teenager working for the summer at $11/hr).

Not saying both parents need to work, but it’ll take a hell of a lot more than $40k/year to live well. We both work and the plan is to be around for our kids both now and when we are retired in our 50’s.

My first job out of college in 2008 was $43,000 and thought that was a ton of money but it is nothing. I couldn’t imagine doing it with kids.

I think his point was that early scraping by and saving can lead to a comfortable life if you invest those savings properly.

Unless you have kids, you don’t realize that $40k isn’t enough to scrape by if you are paying for a mortgage, car, utilities, bills of everyday living, and trying to save money for either the future or just an emergency. We spent a little over $500/month for baby related stuff (diapers, wipes, bottle liners, butt cream, baby medicines) alone for a while just as an example.

However his math and estimates were wrong lol

And again the point was to have a parent home making a child’s life better :lol:

The only way you can have a kid making less than 40k a year is while you are at work, you send the kid to work in a sweat shop all day instead of day care.

Then again… they do want to bring manufacturing back to the US so that logic may not be so far off.

I guess more people should wait to have kids till they have skills & a large income or just not have kids then huh? That would be too reasonable for “I want it now” Americans though. LOL
Alot of that shit you just listed parents never used to buy. Just because we’re all germaphobes now and want items like bottle liners to keep things easy doesn’t mean they are a requirement of life.

LZ…I agree that if the choices are to be broke OR have both parents work it’s a toss up. Neither is very good…but what about finding a happy medium?

Happy medium is probably much closer to 75k and this still isn’t a lot.

Most dual earning families in the suburbs should clear 110ish

Wow this thread has gone all over the place.

so in other words a single income family with a similar income would be perfectly acceptable?

nay… better since you save $10k+ a year on daycare

I hate to be terribly materialistic but realistically I think I will require 200/250k a year to raise children and plan the life I desire(early retirement/giving them the best education and tools for future). Not that I can’t make that myself in time but if the mrs is also a highly motivated career oriented person I am not going to stop her development. Needless to say I believe both parents working is ok but have no strong opinion either way as to what others should do. However this plan involves a close knit family and retired grandparents to be heavily involved. If I were to relocate for work I would certainly consider a one parent work situation.

Not that I have jammed my glorious opinion and views in everyones thoughts what do you think this lady will spend all of this coin on? Hookers? Blow? Knitting supplies?


People in this country don’t even know what poverty is. This should be moved to the first world problems thread. LOL