Business review: HMS Motorsport

now if i spent that kind of money on a football helmet for my career maybe i wouldnt be such a fucktard

Word. Driver gear is crazy expensive. I have 2g’s in suit/gloves/shoes/helmet, etc and I dont yet have a baller Arai like Cossman. Yet…

but 2g’s compared to your life, i would gladly spend the 2 g’s

This is true. When you put it that way it should probably be more.

$1400 seat, $1000 HANS device, $300 harness, $200 seat mount… Nevermind, I dont wanna talk about it. :bh:

Woot another Arai!
I love my gp-5, espacially since I got the gp-5 for the price of a gp5-k.
$1200 helmet for $700

Lew go buy a Spec E30.

Very nice! They did have a GP5W that had a small scratch but still brand new for about $120 less, but it was a large and a bit tight on my melon.

Yeah, getting the right size is the most important thing.

yea, but when shit happens u wana know ur ass is well covered, yanno? and im not saying “if” im saying “when”.

Find me a minty-ish E36 for track duty.

Find me on aim/email if you’re serious.

you wont

I’m searching. I want to follow your words of wisdom and get pussy and go on the track. Both at the same time if possible.

Track=Pussy no, really…Track>pussy

Well, there was this couger in Ohio…

Jclark will discuss if needed.

oh no you dont. full story, come on

LOL As if I remember any of that evening.

Yes, track is way way way > pussy.

ive got a good e36 shell with a bunch of extras, only missing trans/ motor a few other things. i’ll trade for an s50/ s52 longblock.

its missing a diff to. :rofl sry pete i had to

Yeah that sounds minty-ish like he’s looking for.