BYAHHH heres a stretch vid for the gangsters

You forgot the most important part… sidewall stiffness. One of the reasons drifters do it. Lame ass weak sidewalls just roll under.


explain to me how you have more surface contact on a narrower tire :lol:[/quote]

Let’s say you own an s13,
You want 10" wide wheels in the rear cuz you’re gangsta like that,
right now you have an 8" wheel with a 235 tire but it’s just not cutting it,
you put a 255 on the 10" and “oh shit” it doesn’t fit, it sticks out too much and looks gay,
so you stretch the 235 on it and “voila”, you fit the gangtsa wheel, and you have the exact same tire contact patch as before :slight_smile: assumning you picked good offsets and it doesn’t poke out facking up your camber etc.

That’s what he means by having more of a contact patch with a skinnier tire, he’s assuming you’re wanting to have the widest wheels possible to keep it flush, and that you don’t roll like a 4x4.

i dont get what you mean, how would it make it handel bad? :roll:[/quote]

tire fold is overrated[/quote]

as I was saying earlier

FASTTECH southside on 97st has one of those…yeah here i go 275/35/R18 on a 12" rim!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you know how it works? Does it seat the tires instantly? Or do they mount on one side, then use it?